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Adaeze pov

The party started not too long ago, it was like a ball party. Ire's family were yet to arrive which I'm quite happy about. Though ire told me the rest of his family were nice, I'm still not ready to meet them.

I've been with him since we got here as he introduced me to some people.

"Adaeze" He called


"I have to call someone, I'll be back" He said.

"Okay" I don't want him to go but it would look like I'm too clingy.

"You can hang out with those ladies" He pointed at some ladies standing in one corner of the hall. I said no, they are high class women so it'd be better if I don't embarrass myself.

"Don't miss me too much" He smirked.

What just happened? did I blushing? I looked away to prevent him from seeing my heated cheeks, number one embarrassment.

He left leaving me in the middle of nowhere. Not knowing what else to do, I took a seat and started scrolling through my phone. No message. No wonder Stella said I have a boring life, that is because I have no social media account. Now I see that I'm really boring. Too bad ire's still with me.

"Thinking about him?" A feminine voice asked.

I looked up. There was a pretty light skinned lady standing in front of me. She had a charming smile on her face as she looked at me. She had a straight nose, smooth, round face and a skin that glowed.

"Hi" I said.

She pulled out a seat and sat beside me.

"I'm sewa, ire's cousin and you must be adaeze" she said, the smile not leaving her face.

"Yes, how do you know about that?" I asked, throwing her a curious look.

"By your description and he never stops talking about you"

"Who?" I asked confused.

"Are you that clueless, never mind, it was one of the things he told me".

I kept quiet.

"Ire likes you" She said.

"No he doesn't, I'm just his friend" I replied.

"So you say, I just want you to know that ire likes you"

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, ire dated high class girls in the past but when he saw they were all after his money, he decided to stop. His last girlfriend..."


"Yes, she is also one of the gold diggers"

"How do you know that that?"

You ask too much questions.

She wanted to reply but stopped. "Ire should be the one to tell you that"


"Adaeze, only few people know about ire and Sekemi history and they are the important ones in his life. If he tells you why Sekemi left you then he values you" She said.

"And like you" She added.

I was about to reply when I saw ire mother with a man standing not too far from us. Ire brother and a teenager stood beside the couple, they are here, sewa looked over at them.

"I know ire mom hates you but the rest of the family would do the opposite" Sewa said.

"You think so?"

"Yes, I'm not really fond of ire mom but his sister is so amazing, when you are with her the talks is never boring"

"There you are, come and meet my family" Ire said and pulled me up, he greeted sewa. We walked over to where his family were standing.

"Dad, meet Adaeze. I told you about her before and Adaeze meet my dad and sister, teniola" He introduced us.

"It's my pleasure to meet you sir" I said a day stretched forth my hand to shake him but I was suprised when he hugged me.

"Thanks for being in Ire life" He said and released me.

"Ire, why did you bring her here?" His mom asked.

Way to run the mood, ma'am.

"Mom, I have the right to bring whoever I want and she's not leaving" He stood behind me and squeezed my shoulders as if apologising for his mom behaviour.

"Whatever, I hope she doesn't still my things again" His mom said.

"Mom stop this, we are in public" Damola said.

"Hi, I'm teniola, nice to meet you big sister" At least the rest of the family is nice.

"Nice to meet you too" I replied. Ire's mom was still throwing daggers at me.


So far the party had been going well, ire mom had tried to insult me one way or the other but someone was always stopping her. I talked to his brother and sister but his sister did most of the talking. Sewa had left the party saying she had too go for a shoot.

I need fresh air.

"Ire, can you show me the way our, I need fresh air" I said.

"Go that way down the hall there's a balcony there, it's safe than being outside"

I stood at the balcony. The moon was full tonight and the stars dancing round it. Mom used to tell me to look at the stars and make wishes, she and dad must be among those stars.

"Wow, nice to see you here" that voice said sarcastically.


"The one and only" She replied proudly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should be the one asking the one asking that question and to answer that, his mom invited me" She crossed her hands on her chest.

"I have to go" I said and made my way to the door.

"Why?" She asked and blocked the door.

"Leave the doorway, I have to go"

" I will just listen to me" She made no move to leave.

"Listen to what?"

"Adaeze, I hate you because you are in ire's life and let me make other clear to you, ire is mine and I don't share"

"Ire is not a thing"

"Stay out of ire life or you won't like what I would do to you"

"Really?" I asked trying to act bold.

If only you hear how my heart is beating.

"Yes and I stand by my word!"

"Do you realise I'm Ire's girlfriend?" I asked.

Why am I even saying? She needs to be distracted so I can leave.

"I don't care, I advice you to breakup with him or you won't like the consequences, you have twenty four hours to do that" She stated and walked away.

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. What just happened?


I'm on instagram at Akachi_oji

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