NINTEEN:Working With Ire

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"Wow, you just fired twelve people in one day?" Damola asked.

"Yes" I'm at his house watching a football match played yesterday. There was a night vigil yesterday in church so I couldn't watch the match.

"Who's going to be the new head?" He asked. Before I could reply, Ifunaya announced that food was ready.

"Babe, please bring the food to the living room" Damola shouted.

"Ok" came the reply.

"Uncle ire!" Olamide screamed while running down the chairs. Before I could stand up, he has jumped on me. "Where is my toy?"

"Olamide, where is your manners can't you greet?" Damola asked.

"Sorry, good evening uncle ire, where is my toy?" He asked again. I growl, he is making my shirt rough the way he is hugging me.

"I will give you money before I leave" I said.

He released me, I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding. This kid is unpredictable.

"You haven't answered my question ite" Damola said.

"What question?" I asked.

"Who's going to be the new head of the canteen?"

"I don't know" I replied.

"What of Adaeze?"

"She has a job damola" I stated.

"I know, but offer her this job so you can get closer to her and I'm sure Stella would agree" He said.

"Ok, I will talk to Stella about it first"

Ifunaya entered with a plate of food and gave me.

"Babe, where is my food?" Damola asked.

"You refuse to massage my legs this afternoon so no food foryou" She replied pulling olamide out of the living room.


Two weeks later


Today is my first day of work at ire's company. Stella literally forced me to work there saying the pay is good, such a nice friend. I payed the taxi man and came down.

An Audi Q7 packed in front of the taxi, that is Ire's car, he mustn't see me. I increased my pace onto the building but stopped at the sound of my name. So much for walking fast.

"Good morning adaeze" Ire said

"Good morning"

"I see you came early today, keep it up" He said. I didn't reply him cause I don't know what to say.

"Where is the way to the canteen?" I asked.

"Follow me" He ordered softly. We walked for what seems like forever before we stopped in front of the main  building. The canteen is on the ground floor but at a corner. Ire held my hand tightly making it useless to remove. We entered the canteen and walked pass tables till we entered what looks like the production room. All attention turned to us, I hate it.

"Good morning sir" The workers greeted.

"Good morning everyone" He pulled me to stand in front of him. "This is Adaeze your new head" He said.

The guys came forward to give me a handshake while some of the ladies did grudgingly.

"Don't mind them" Ire whispered. His lips were close to my ear igniting this feeling in my belly.

"Everyone should respects the her the way you all did for your last boss or you know the consequences" He said firmly.

A lady is looking at my hand which is still entwined with ire's.


An ebony lady stepped forward. She's my height but more thing than me.

"Yes sir" She answered.

"Show her to her office and if she needs anything don't hesitate to do it" Ire said. With that he left.

"Hi, I'm lara, your assistant" lara said.

"I'm Adaeze, nice meeting you" I replied. She showed me my office. It is a large room, the walls are painted with cream colour while the furniture set are new.

"Mr ire had your office renovated"

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know but if you ask me I would tell you he wants to eradicate how ex boss spirit" She replied.

"Oh, he didn't have to spend much didn't that" I said.

"I'm also suprised, Mr ire focused all his attention on the renovation, I have never seen him like this before" She said and opened the windows. "Should I give you a tour around the building?"

"No, thank you I'm okay"

"Miss Adaeze of you need anything don't hesitate to call me"

"Yes I will and please call me Adaeze, the miss makes me feel old" I said.
"One more thing,there is this little witch in the production room that goes by the name Nnena, make sure you show her you are the boss around here and never allow her to call you by your name, she would use that opportunity to disrespect you" lara said.


I prepare to leave the canteen after a tiring day. I had to write the list of things needed and lara typed the memo. She's a nice lady, always talking but not boring ones. She even asked me if I had a brother saying that she just broke up with her boyfriend.

The canteen is empty since it is evening already, everyone had gone home about an hour ago.

I walk out of the building to look for a taxi.

"Adaeze" That all too familiar voice called. I turned around to see ire walking to where I am.

"Hi" I said.

"Hey, why are you leaving late?" He asked.

"I was typing something, i didn't know it waslate" I answered.

"Who is taking you home?" He asked.

"I will stop a taxi"

"It's not good to take a taxi at night, it's too risky" He replied.

"I have no option"

"Follow me home"

"No thank you, I will stop a taxi" I replied.


"I don't want to be a burden go you"

"You are never a burden" He held my hand and pulled me to the parking lot. "Be waiting for me every evening, don't waste your money on taxis".


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