THIRTY TWO: He loves me.

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A/n: You can listen to the song while reading the chapter and I took time to write this. I'm a romance less person but with the help of some friends I don't think the chaper is that bad.


He let out a chuckle, "you still don't get the point"

"What point?" I ask confused.

He sighs before bringing out a box from his back pocket which I never noticed before now, he handed it over.

"Open it" It sounds like a command and a request. I don't really know what it is but I can tell that ire seems nervous by the way he is scratching the back of his neck.

I examine the box and lots of possibilities of what it in comes into my head but my mouth just had to pish out the wrong thing.

"You gave me an engagement box" I blurt out. The moment the words came out of my mouth I mentally slapped myself.

Number one embarrassment, Adaeze.

I slowly removed my hands from my face to see the shocked expression plastered on his face.

"No it's not, just open it" he says.

I began to open the box, it was wrapped multiple times and after what seemed like forever I unwrap it. I opened the tiny box and in it was a bracelet. I pulled it out and read the word boldly written on it.

'I love you Adaeze'

There was a hole in the middle of the bracelet with a paper inside, I avoided looking up cause I can feel ire strong stare on me and not after what I just read.

Tiny words were written in it, 'I've always loved you from the start even if you can't see it. I fell in love with you not for how you look  but for who you are'

Didn't you know that guy was craving for your attention but you were just ignoring him.

"What if he likes you?"

"Mom, please keep quiet, we would check the cctv camera"

"Do you like him?" The question caught me off guard.

He came into my life, he offered my a job, he brought me into his house, he told me about his life, he helped me reconcile with my parents even when I didn't feel the need to, he has been there for me.

I have been dumb to not notice that he loves me even when people says it.

A small smile graced my lips, he loves me.

He takes my hands in it gently taking my hand into the bracelet before he lifs my chin so I could look up at him.

"I love you Adaeze" He says slowly and I knew he meant it.

I opened my mouth to say something but my tongue failed me so I closed it  back.

"Em, I don't know what to say I'm sorry if you were expecting any-"

I was cut short by a peck on my forehead, not a peck but a kiss. It made my knees tremble but he held me up by placing his hands on my waist. For the first time in my life, my palms are emitting sweat.

He pulls away after some time, I'm shocked and remained on the spot, I certainly didn't see that coming.

"Ada, you should not feel the need to say you love me back, I can wait for that" I wasn't even focusing as my mind was on the way his mouth moved when he called me Ada. No one has ever called me that.

"For h-how long..."

"From  day one, I tried showing you signs but you were thinking we were just friends" He says.

Something clicks in my head "So the day we were in your car and you were talking about a girl.."

"Yes you were the girl" He confirms.

I cover my face feeling embarrassed "God, why didn't I see that"

"Come, let's it I'm starving " He takes my hands in his.

Where is the food?

We sits on the table, a waitress I never noticed comes.

"Hi, my name is Mariam, what would you like to have?" She asks before giving me the menu.

"Is this a restaurant?" I ask Ire.

"No it's not, I brought a restaurant here instead" He says like it is nothing.

Rich people.

I looked through the menu and the least price was a bottle of coke which was one thousand two hundred.


Ire seems to notice the look on my face because he collects the menu.

"You have yours" I argue

"With your expression, we won't leave here today" he says before facing the waitress.

"We would have fried rice with salad also bring a full chicken"

I want to step on his foot. If a bottle of coke would cost that amount, then I can't imagine how much a full chicken would be but I can't embarrass myself again.

"Sir, what drink should I bring?" The waitress asks.

Shut up

"Sorry I forgot, bring any good wine you have" Ire says.

"Thank you, you can go" I say even though I sounded rude.

She ignores me "sir I think you are forgetting desserts"

"We are fine" I say glaring at her.

"I'm sorry, she meant we would have that later" Ire says placing his hand on mine on the table.

The waitress winks at him before leaving. Too late, he already said he loves me.

"You sounded rude while speaking to her" Ire points out.

"I'm sorry"

"She was only doing her job"

"I didn't see bottle water on the menu, I could have ordered that" I say trying to change the topic.

"Water is the only thing that is frre" he replies.

"You need water?" He asks.

"Yes" I answer, it is free.

He waves his hands and this time around, it was a male worker.

"Hello, my name is Simon, how can I help you?"

"I need water my throat is dry" I say.

He smiles and leaves.

"I like him, he didn't ask questions"

"You like him, the only person you should be liking is me" Ire says acting jealous.

I rolled my eyes.

Sorry for the slow updates, I've been avoiding staying on the phone for too long cause of my eyes.

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