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Jesus mends our broken life and secrets.

Adaeze pov

The rays of the sun woke me up. The darkness fading as I blinked away the dark spots. Looking around, I saw that I was in my room.

Ire stood at the door talking to someone on he phone, sensing that I was awake he turned around. I tried to sit up but was stopped by him. He cut the call he was making.

"Don't do that" He approached me in four long strides, worry etched on his face.

"What happened?" I asked clutching my head.

"You fainted" He removed my hand from my head and placed it beside me. "The doctor said you need some rest"

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Since last night"

My eyes widened as take a sharp breath remembering last night.

"I'm so sorry for disrupting your party, I promise I-"

"No, it wasn't your fault" He said sensing my panic.

He pulled out a stool and sat on it "what happened?" He asked.

"You are awake!" Stella screamed forcing the door open.

I rolled my eyes "obviously"

She placed her hands on my head. "How are you doing, are you fine?, your temperature is rising"

"Yes I'm fine thank you" I said.

"The doctor said you fainted as a result of shock and when I put things together, that was when you saw chinonso" Ire said before dropping Stella's hand which was still placed on my head.

"Do you know chinonso?" Stella asked.

"No I don't" I answered truthfully.

"Then perhaps you know his parents" Ire said, trapping me.

"Em- they are th-"

"They are?" Stella asked.

"I don't know them"

"Adaeze are they not parents or not?" Ire asked.

I looked at him" Who told you that?"

He brought out a picture of my younger self.

"Stella gave me this pocture" He said.

I glared at Stella "Stella, why did you go through my things?"

"I'm sorry. I was arranging your wardrobe back at our house when I saw that picture, I wanted to know more about you. I'm sorry" She apologised looking at the curtain as if finding it more attractive today.

"You told me your parent were dead adaeze" Ire said.

"They are dead. I thought I saw ghosts yesterday" I whispered out

"That's not-"

Demilade entered the room with a trail. He placed it beside me on the bed. It contained drugs and a cup of water.

"Good morning" He greeted, "are you feeling better?"

I flashed him a smile" Yes thank you"

"Then you should take those drugs to feel more better" He looked at Stella. "Can we talk?"

"Yes" Stella said.

They walked out of the room together, hand in hand.

"Adaeze?" Ire called.


"Why are you avoiding your parent?" He removed the trial from the bed and placed it on the bedside drawer.

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