TWENTY FIVE: Long Talk With Ire

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Sorry for the slow updates.


The sweet aroma of the food brought me out of the room to the kitchen. Ire especially standing in front of the electric cooker with his back facing me.

"You can cook?" I asked.

He turned around before flashing me a smile making me feel guilty for what I did earlier.

"I thought you would never leave your room and yes, I can cook" He replied, picking up the kitchen towel to dry his hands.

"Who taught you?"

"Damola mom, I used to stay with them a lot when I was little"

I sat on the kitchen stool.

"Sorry, for what happened earlier" I said.

"No need to apologise, I'm also at fault, I was pushing you"

"No you were not"

"Stella in the builldiiing" Stella announced entering the kitchen, she sat on the stool beside mine.

"When did you arrive?" I asked.

"Not long ago, you were in your room" She answered.

"How was your flight"

"Not bad"

Her phone rang, she took it and dashed out of the kitchen.

"That my borither"  Ire said.

"I know right, ever since the night of your friend's  birthday party,  she has been busy with her phone ever since" I replied.

"Food is ready" He announced.

I brought out two plates and set it on the counter. He dished out the food and we sat in a comfortable silence enjoying the meal.

Until he decided to break it.

"So tell me about you" He said.

"There's really nothing to know about me, I'm Adaeze and twenty three years and my life is boring" I muttered the last part but it did not get pass him.

"I will decide if you are boring or not" He said " Let's play twenty questions game"

"Okay I go first, how old are you?" I asked.

"Twenty eight" He answered

Five years difference.


He cut me off. "It's my turn, what is your favorite colour and why?" He asked.

"That's two questions in one but I would answer it. My favorite colour is blue because I love it"

"What perfume do you use?" I asked. Now that was a stupid question.

"Clive Christian, why do you ask?"

"Is that your question?" I asked.

He laughed. "I asked you a question and you are answering it with another question"

"Sorry, I asked because I love the scent, it's refreshing to my senses" I said.

He looked at me like I've gone bananas. "One thing I learnt today is that perfume is refreshing to the senses"

I hit him on his shoulder. "You aren't serious"

"What is your favorite food?" He asked.

"Fried rice, what about you?"

"Same" He replied.

He shoved a spoonful into his mouth.

"Who are your parents?" He asked.

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