🦋 dominic62 🦋

174 9 35

[ 10:02 AM ]

i put the van in park, sliding the key from the ignition. it's quiet. not even the presence of chirping birds.

it's eerie.

i look around.

i'm a few feet away from a strip of stores. i think i'm in some small town. all i know is that i'm in maryland.

my leg jumps up and down, beating against the van floor.

i'll have to find someone to see me and call Them.

my heart pumps so hard against my chest, i start to worry that i'll have a heart attack and die here.

this is definitely a stupid idea, but that's fine. i'm doing this for my family.

it's my duty.

i place the keys under the map.

ms. rose? can you hear me?

my eyes stick to these beautiful pink flowers that's in this bush of white flowers.

i imagine myself picking two, and placing each one behind the ear of apple and soraya.

they would look so beautiful.

you okay?

she says it steady and bold but i catch the split second unease.

just made it to maryland. just parked. how's apple?

she's good. we found out another power!

no way! what?

she can heal living things. i'm not sure how far it goes but she healed a whole flower bush.

oh shit!

your sister; i have no clue what she's going to pull out next.

i grin to myself.

holy fuck!

thank you for doing this for me.

i'm hopeful. i trust They won't kill you. for the information portion, you know? what's your plan right now?

grab attention.

luckily for you that won't be so hard, right mr. face tats?

they come in handy.

not when the government is looking for you.

especially because the government is looking for me. that's the whole point of this plan baby girl.

oh, fuck you.

i'd be careful with the last thing you say to me. these could be my last moments.

don't do that. don't joke about it.

say you'll miss me.

what is this? some romance novel?

you might never get to say it to me again.

why are you so nonchalant about it?

desensitized maybe?

dom... i know you're stalling.

i'm not stal-

you're stalling handsome and i know you're scared. you want me to be good, then fine. i will miss you. i will miss you probably an unhealthy amount, but if this works and you have a chance to get your brother back then i'm behind every step you take. i will be that annoying little voice in your head saying everything will be okay! you will come back to apple and i, with alex and we'll have our happy ending.

so what you're saying is that you like me?

oh my, yes! i like you dominic david fike. now shut up and go get your brother.

will do princess.

all of the anxiousness and fear that swims inside of my body, washes away. my leg stops bouncing. i feel in a weird way, complete; whole; like i could do any fucking thing.

my heart beats in anticipation and exhilaration. adrenaline courses through my veins. everything i was fearful of seems minuscule compared to what the most beautiful girl in the world just said to me.

i open the van door and get out.

i can fucking do this.

i can pull this off.

i will go and get my brother, we'll outsmart the government, and i'll get back to my girls.

we'll navigate this new world together. i cant wait to learn from her.


i feel so full mentally, physically, spiritually.

all because of her words. because i know she means them.

i walk down the strip. it's a modernized 70s town.

soraya should see this.

apple too.

they should see the world.

i pass closed down and boarded up shops before i find one open. the name above in green block lettering reads 'nancy's'.

i let out a calm breath.

for alex.

i push open the door, walking in, a bell sounding off. it grabs everyone's attention. a couple, an elderly man, a single mother with two children, and two woman employees with masks on stare at me.

from the assorted gasps and mumbled curses, i get the gist that people notice it's me.

i place my hands up in defense.

"i'm turning myself in," i announce.

"you stay right there fucker!" employee number one orders, going underneath the register desk and pulling a pistol, aiming it at me.

"gladly," i mumble.

i'm ready.

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