🦋 dominic6 🦋

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[ 9:21 AM ]

i hear four solid, quick knocks at the front door.

i look at a sleeping alex.

he flipped when i shown him that i can control lights. i couldn't get the shield to work again, which he thinks doesn't exist and i'm making up.

i stand and go to get the door, before whoever is knocking wakes alex. i peek through the peephole and see it's the bitchy girl. i open the door slightly, poking my head out.

"my moms choking on her own blood at my place, can i come in?"

i stare at the girl who has powers like i do. it's the first time i'm really just looking at her. i paid way too much attention to her body.

she's got a light milk chocolate complexion and her features are small and less agitated.

she looks at ease in a way.

her hair isn't in a ponytail anymore, and it flows beautifully around the frame of her face, some of her curls covering her forehead.

i open the door further and she walks in.

"uhm, should we call the police?" i question, closing the door.

"no, i didn't come over because of her."

"then why?" i ask as she stands in the middle of the living room, looking around.

"you and i both know why. i didn't make that shit up in my head and i think we can do more," she explains.

i swallow.

"we don't even know each other," i state. "we don't know what we have."

she walks up to me and grabs my hand, an electric current vibrating through my arm.

"i'm ray," she softly introduces staring at our hands. "i felt this when we bumped into each other. we can figure out how or what we have, together."

she looks at me, her face a few inches from mine.


she lets my hand go, the current of electricity stopping.

she spins around to my brother who's rubbing his eyes.

"what's up alex?" i question.

"uh why is she here?"

"i'm ray," she introduces.

"alex," he introduces back. "why are you here?" he asks again.

"you guys related?" she asks me.

"yeah, my younger brother," i answer.

"so i'm sure you've told him."

"about the lights?" alex questions. "yeah, which, i'm not sure i know exactly what that means, but he controls lights!" he exclaims, grinning.

"i think it's more. i don't know how much more, but more. i feel it when we touch," she says, looking at me.

"what can you do?" alex asks.

she looks at me, a pointed look i take as 'i'm not here for your brother'.

"alex can you..." i trail off.

"i have two superheroes in front of me and you want me to fuck off?!" no one says anything. i shrug. "fuck you guys too."

he flips us off and walks away.

ray chuckles.

"i like him," she smiles turning to me. "so, dom? what's it short for?"

"dominic. is ray short for anything?"

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