🦋 dominic28 🦋

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[ 3:23 PM ]

"how are you upset with me?" ray questions, hood up and thumb out, walking along the road.

"you were so quick to put their lives in danger," i tell her, shaking my head.

my hood's up as well.

"you're a hypocrite dom. one second you're telling me that some people have to die, it's life, but the next second you're caring about life?!"

"caring about life is wrong?!" i question, matching her elevated tone.

"no! it's the fact that you disregarded that guy on the bus' life so easily."

"i was protecting you! we could've died!"

"and we could've made it to apple by five. now, we don't know," she says, throwing her hands up in dramatic effect.

"how could you look at that three month old and not want to keep her safe?"

"i do. i did! i finally relaxed when time proved to me that they were immune."

"the fbi are looking for us," i grit, "i didn't want to put her through no parents!"

"dominic, i'm over it. i don't want to talk about it anymore."


"no?" she questions snapping her head to me.

"you don't get to "i'm over" this conversation," i tell her.

"you've said what you wanted to say. we have to get to apple before the fbi get to us."

i groan, loud.

"you're so fucking stubborn! this isn't even about apple!"

"since when has this not been about apple?! the hell?"

"since meeting you!" i shout. i pinch the bridge of my nose and stop walking. "you know why i'm mad at you soraya?" she turns around and stands in front of me. "you've done nothing but push me away. we haven't found anything out about ourselves. alex is no where to be found. apple is stuck in a home with my... my rotting mothers corpse, and you just can't give me one ounce of hope that we might actual figure something out. i thought by now, you would realize doing this together is more important than this stupid "loner" act you're doing!"

"you don't know me!"

"i want to! have i not been clear?! have our bodies not been clear?" i ask her, taking a step toward her, decreasing the space between us. "this," i say, grabbing her hand, "is beyond the way we want us to go. you've felt it. when i was helping you with your mom. our shower. it scares you," i nod, getting it, "but why fight it?"

we stare into each other's eyes, a small moment forming between us as a sympathetic look slowly forms on her face.

the burner vibrates in my pocket.

i'm the first to tear my eyes away as i pull the phone out. i answer, setting the phone to my ear.

soraya shakes her head displeased, removing her hand from mine and continuing to walk ahead of me.


"hey mamas we're almost to you," i tell apple.

"hurry, it's scary here and there's a bad smell from mama's room."

"i'll be there really soon, don't worry. i'll call you and let you know when i'm outside."

"okay dommy."

𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒   | d.f. |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora