🦋 dominic51 🦋

242 12 44

[ 6:07 PM ]

"a-are you sure you want to go through with this idea?" grayson asks.

i cock my gun in response, shoving it in front of my pants. i pull my shirt over it and clasp my hands together laying them on the table.

we set up the table so i can be in the back when they decide to check it.

matt and soraya sit on the three seater, covering the side door.

apple and grayson are in the front, hopefully away from any drama.

"last resorts are fun right?" soraya smiles, looking at me from the seat she's in.

she's fixed her wig on right and a worried expression sits in her facial features.

i'm nervous too.

but we have to do this.

"goal isn't to let any of them call the van in," i announce.

"checkpoint, looks to be about four."

"i need an accurate count grayson," soraya says. "i need to know how many we're dealing with."

"it's five," apple states.

"what?" i question.

"how do you know that apple?" grayson asks her.

"you can't hear them?" she asks back.

soraya turns to me with a confused look on her face.

"no. we can't hear them," i tell her.

"ones on the phone talking to someone. two are talking to each other. the other two i can tell walk differently," she explains.

"she's right, it's five," grayson confirms, "but it's showtime."

the van screeches to a stop.

i sit and wait. soraya leans into matt and he wraps an arm around her.

"gross," she says.

"gotta sell it," matt shrugs.

"good evening sir. how are you?" i hear an officer.

"i'm alright, and you?" grayson says with confidence.

"state your business for travel."

"just heading to my mom's."



"who's this sitting next to you?"

"my uh, friends sister."

"how many people are in the vehicle sir?"

"that would be five sir."

"we're looking for these two fugitives. you wouldn't have seen them have you?"

"can't say i have sir."

"it's routine to check the vehicles going through states, i'd like you to keep your hands on the wheel for me and for no one inside to try anything stupid."

"yes sir."

sucks for that officer, but stupidity is about to rain down, hard.

it's silent for a second.

two going to the back of the van. two to the side door. one is watching grayson and i.

the doors are pulled open simultaneously.

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