🦋 dominic16 🦋

320 15 2

[ 12:30 AM ]

i stare at soraya's peaceful stature. she hasn't taken her head off my chest since her best friend said her goodbyes.

the virus doesn't care who it takes. it just does. there's no stopping it.

soraya squirms, wrapping an arm around my torso. we just lay and let our energy do the talking.

it fills me with a sense of hope. that despite losing max, and seeing alex get kidnapped and taken away, being near her or just being with her just makes everything worth it in a way.

i don't think it's our choice on us being together. and it's definitely not our choice on having powers.

seems fate-ish.

i know i have the habit of jumping in without checking the temperature of the water, but i don't know. there's no denial she's different.

i trail my fingers over her bare arm. small electric jolts shock my fingertips.

i enjoy it.

maybe it's because our powers are energy related.

well as much as we've seen and done.

soraya softly sleeps, not much of a sound coming from her.

i haven't been this intimate with a girl in a long time. i almost forgot what it felt like to have a girl laid up on me. none of the others felt like soraya though.

she stirs again, lifting her head to look at me.

i grin at her sleepy and confused expression.

"hello there," i greet.

"i'm sorry," she softly speaks, and tries to get up.

"no, no! don't go," i tell her, laying my hand gently on her back and the other on her neck. "it's okay."

she doesn't fight me on my words. she lays right back down on my chest.

there's a long silence.

"right now," she says, voice cracking due to inactivity and hard sleep. "it's just me, you, and alex. you have to get in contact with your mom."

"what if i don't get in contact with her? what if..." i trail thinking of worse case scenario. "what if they're both gone?" i whisper back to her.

a fear i've been trying to suppress creeps agonizingly into my consciousness.

"there's only one way to find out," she says. "there's a payphone by the vending machine downstairs."

"i know ray i'm just..."

"i'll come with you if you really want, but what if apple needs you?"

a tinge of pain hits my heart.

i've lost alex and if i've lost apple, i don't know what i'd do.

"no, i'll do it," i tell her.

she sits up, allowing me to sit up. i sigh, everything becoming cold.

"you sure?"

i nod.

"give me a few minutes okay?"

it's her turn to nod.

i get up, digging at the bottom of my duffel for .75¢. i walk my way out of the motel room and into the humid night.

my heart pounds the closer i get to the payphone. i play with the .75¢ in my hands.

don't have a heart attack dom.

once to the payphone, i grab the phone, insert my change and dial my moms number.

it rings.

and rings.

and rings.

with each passing one, my heart breaks more and more. blood rushes to my ears. i feel sick.


the small voice pulls me back into reality.

"apple?" i question, thinking i'm hallucinating.

"dommy something happened to mommy!"

"how long ago?" i ask.

i need to know if she's going to be okay.

"since... i'm not sure."

"you need to be specific apple okay? i really need to know!" i demand, tears running. "was it dark out? light? do you remember a time?"

"well the sun was out, so either this morning or something because it's been a long time since i've eaten something. mommy cooked breakfast so after that!" she tells me.

"okay," i sigh. it's more than five hours then. she must be immune. "apple, listen to me mama, i'm coming. i'm on my way. try to find something in the pantry or fridge but DO NOT touch the stove or oven, understand?"

i don't like being mean to her but this just turned into a life or death rescue mission.

"really?! will noonie be with you?" she excitedly questions, innocent; oblivious.

i take a deep breath, not wanting to break down.

"alex is dealing with some things right now but i promise that after we get you, we'll go to noonie okay?"

"okay. when will you be here?"

"tomorrow night maybe or tomorrow after tomorrow." she giggles. "just hold tight okay? i'll check up on you so keep this phone charged. i love you."

"i love you too dommy!"

"i have to go now so i can make it to you."

"okay. bye."

i hang up and let out a sigh of relief, grinning to myself.

she's alive.

she's alive and i have to just make it to her.

"need this?"

i turn my head to the voice, seeing soraya leaning against the wall, holding my duffel toward me.

"how did-"

"had a gut feeling," she shrugs. "let's go get apple."

i take my duffel from her and we set off.

{ a/n: birthday possstttt lol i'm fucking 21 today like what the hell !? how does that compute in my brain. i'm starting a new year of my life. i'm manifesting positivity and healing and love and light. you guys have a beautiful day, hope you had a beautiful day, or have a beautiful night :) i'm freaking 21. whaaaat }

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