➗ matt49 ➗

204 11 12

[ 4:43 PM ]

apple runs in next laughing heartily.

"oh shit," i laugh. "i've got meditation," i say to dom.

"yoga," he snorts.

we bump fists before dom runs in, i following.

inside, what was presumed to be a small building from the outside, is in fact not. i stare bamboozled as i lay my eyes on rows and rows of books.

"dom! matt! self-help section!" soraya voices from somewhere in the sea of books.

i search for the section using the conveniently placed placards hanging from the ceiling.






honk! honk!

30 seconds already?!

i run to the section and grab any book with the word 'meditation' on it.

dom joins and i start putting the books in the duffel.

"breaking into a library," i laugh. "never thought i'd be doing this," i tell him.

"the shit we used to get ourselves into; this is like a pat on the back!" he laughs too.


"c'mon!" dom yells and we book it to the entrance. we meet up with soraya. "apple!" he yells out, as soraya puts her collection of books inside the duffel.

"guys! sirens!" grayson yells at us through the passenger window.

we can't hear anything except the alarm blaring, but we trust him.

"apple!" soraya yells walking toward the kids section.

"i dropped my books!" apple finally says.

my feet are moving in her direction before i realize it.

"go! go! i'll get her!" i yell to them, picking up speed.

i search through the area finally coming up on apple who's trying to pick up more books than she carry.


🎀 apple 🎀

i look up and see matt. he crouches down grabbing some of my books. they don't look like many in his arms.

i can't wait to grow up.

we start walking back to where we came in from.

apple! hide! we're going to come back!

i grab matt's leg and we stop.

"what?" he asks me.

"we need to hide!"

we turn and hide in between two sets of bookshelves.

a police siren mixes with the library alarm until only the police alarm is heard.

"oh fuck," matt curses and looks down at me. "sorry," he apologizes. "we've got to find a back door," he whispers.

he switches the books to one arm and grabs my hand as we sneak through the books.

"anyone in here?! come on out!" a woman yells.

apple are you okay? what's going on?

matt's trying to find us a way out. there's a woman in here with us raya.

okay! it's okay! we're coming back!

matt starts dragging me until we get to a door with a big red 'EXIT' on it. he pushes it open and the alarm starts again. he picks me up with one arm and starts running.

i can see the van reversing toward us down the street. behind us, a police woman runs after us.

"hey matt," i say, looking at the side of his face as we bounce along the road.

"yeah apple?" he questions out of breath.

"hey!" the woman yells.

"i did remember you!" i tell him.

he laughs and looks at me.


"also, is she a bad guy?"


i turn to the lady.

"go away evil lady!" i yell at her. "you'll never catch us!"

"hu-woah!" matt yells as his feet slowly start rising from the ground. i feel around me a force of something that's not there. it's invisible like i can be.

we're defying gravity!

we are in the air! and moving!

i grin and look at the van, seeing soraya hanging out the side of it.

"WOO!" i shout as we fly through the air getting closer to the van.

i look at the lady who's standing now, staring at us with her eyes wide.

we're awesome and she's not!

we float inside the van and come crashing down. matt moves me so i land on his chest. my books fly everywhere.

dom grabs me and our bodies fly forward.

i laugh as soraya and dom squish me in a hug between them.

"let's do it again!"

𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒   | d.f. |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt