🦋 dominic81 🦋

141 6 22

[ 2:13 PM ]

"mr. fike, how long have you known ms. peters?" ann questions, sitting opposite of me. a silver rectangular table separates us.

ann holds a blank expression on her face; eyes roaming over my every inch- studying me.

nothingness or darkness surround us.

just ann and i. no where.

"what?" i question back, her question slipping my mind.

"you've known her for quite some time haven't you?"


"soraya peters," she repeats, her stare locking onto my face.

i think about her name.

it doesn't mean a thing to me.

"who?" i trail off, shaking my head.

she breaks out into a grin.

"that's lovely mr. fike. you need to remember that," she smiles, leaning toward me, crossing her arms together and laying them on the table.

"remember what?"

"i'm offering a position for my team to you mr. fike."

"something tells me that's a bad idea," i say in truth, my body rejecting the idea like bad coke. i catch a chill and start to feel hot and sweaty.

"trust me. you'll love it. we're not going to kill you, contrary to what you believe. as i said before, you are a very special case. and you're finally mine."

"i'm not anyone's property."

"no. of course not mr. fike. deal?"

she holds her hand out toward me.

"what's the deal?"

"shake my hand and find out."

"what is the deal?"

she sighs, dropping her hand.

"you work for me and everything stops."

"what do you mean by everything?" i question.

"this soraya peters person, she tried to frame you. she says you're the one that created MAX20."

"what's MAX20?"

her smile grows wider.

"she says you took out the entire population with the virus MAX20."

my eyes widen.


"sounds pretty evil right?"

her name is starting to sound familiar. very familiar.

"she must be some type of evil," i mutter to myself.

to think about it, i don't really remember much of anything about myself or my life.

"do we have a deal?"

she offers her hand to me again.

i stare at it.

i barely remember anything. but i remember this woman and her face.

she's the only thing that's hardcore familiar.

maybe i should accept this.

dominic. if you can hear me, i'm still here for you.

𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒   | d.f. |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora