➗ matt54 ➗

179 10 39

[ 10:27 PM ]

i lay in bed, my hands underneath my head. i stare at the ceiling.

fuck. we've made it to new jersey.

now what?

what's endgame?

what could get them safely to alex? that's reasonable?

or is reason out?

we killed people today.

well, they killed people but i witnessed that shit! i witnessed the life drain from their eyes. the instant extinction of their existence turned to ashes!

it's not like i haven't seen people die in front of me. when you live in florida, shit just happens. but i have never seen anyone die the way she made them die. or the way dominic didn't have to do much because his force field protected him from being touched.

those officers never stood a fucking chance.

the powers came so easily to them.

is that an advantage?

or are we fucked?


we could get caught and killed and i'll have no one to blame except myself.

but i have reason.

just didn't think we'd decide to settle in new jersey. maybe i can convince them to keep moving.

my phone buzzes in my pocket and i grab it out, checking it quickly.

[ anna 💛. ]
Hey! I'm ok! R u?

[ Matty 💛 ]
yea i'm aight. we finally made
it to new jersey

[ anna 💛. ]
I'm so glad ur ok! When
are u coming??

[ Matty 💛 ]
i'm tryin to find the right time
bbygirl. i promise.

[ anna 💛. ]
I miss u 💔

[ Matty 💛 ]
imy2 :(

two knocks on the door causes me to jump. i push my phone quickly underneath the pillow my heads resting on. i place my hands back underneath my head.

"yeah!" i yell.

grayson pops his head in.

"i've cooked a vegan dinner. you down?"

"vegan dinner?" i repeat.

"jackfruit- bbq flavor with a side of fries. a lot of people say it resembles the taste of chicken."

i could go for some food.

"yeah, i'm in." i roll out of bed and meet grayson outside the room, dom with him. "you have anything that's non-vegan?"

"don't worry. it's not bad."

dom and i share a look.

"sure," i drag out.

{ a/n: okay ! so what i have planned for this book is 100 chapters. i'm not exactly sure if it'll be reached but that's somewhat the goal lol i've moved to florida so it's going to be a minute before another upload as i get adjusted. so much shit is about to go down and i'm so excited to share it with you ! <33 }

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