Chapter 12!!!

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Welcome to chapter 12 my friends!
Thanks for the reads!! It means a lot!!

(Still) poods POV:
(The next week)
I walked in to the bedroom to tell Zara that breakfast was ready but she wasn't here, thats strange, she was in here a minute ago.
"Zara!" I call out on the verge of worrying.
I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder which makes my whole body jerk with fear.
"Hey?" I hear a sweet familiar voice say. I quickly turn my head around and see my beautiful girlfriend beaming down at me.
"What's the matter babe" she asks worryingly.
"Oh nothing" I whisper while pationatley kissing her mouth. I pull her in for a tight hug and bury my face into her neck, she giggles softly.
I never want to loose her, she is perfect for me.
We must have been standing hugging each other for about 5 minutes before I realised breakfast was getting cold. I take my hand and intertwine my fingers with hers and lead her to the kitchen.
As the sun shone in, the morning light reflected off of her eyes, she looked more beautiful than ever.
"Want to go somewhere today?" I ask hopefully.
"Mr Felix I would love to." She says while giggling through pancakes.
After we finished, Zara went and got ready.
I slipped my phone into my pocket and went about searching for the car keys.
"Hey we'll take my car" she says while dangling her keys by the door.
"Okay then" I reply.
As we were nearly to the park it felt as though she was distant, as if she had something on her mind.
"Babe and you feeling alright?" I ask with concern in my voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine" she say with a grin but I'm not convinced.
As we make our way to the park I reach and grab her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze. She looks up and smiles. I hope I haven't done anything wrong.
"is it me, have I done something wrong?" I ask with slight frustration in my voice, as I look into her blue eyes, why was I like this?
"No Felix you haven't done anything wrong" she says while turning to face me.
"Then what is it? What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong."
"Cut it Zara I know something's wrong, I deserve to know."
her eyes begin to well up with tears. "I don't want to loose you Felix, I love you."
"Babe, I'm not going anywhere. I will always be here for you."
"Are you sure, because your ex seems pretty darn sure you still love her, and that your leading me on." Her voice is wavering" Felix if you ever did that to me I would never forgive myself for being so stupid."
"Zara I don't understand, I don't love Marzia anymore. I adore you with all my heart."
"Well go tell her that because after her little 'visit' the other day she sounded pretty sure."
"Oh my god, I don't even know she'd come. Zara I'm so sorry you shouldn't have to go through this. I promise you I do not love her. She keeps texting me, asking me to come back, but I ignore her. I promise."
She looks up at me with red puffy cheeks and teary eyes.
"How can I trust you felix?"
"What does your heart say" I ask, it sounds stupid but...
"That I love you, felix even if you have screwed me over, I am giving you another chance, because I could bare to be with out you."
"Well that's good because I don't know what I would do without you either."
We hug each other and continue our way to the park. I push her on the swings and we have fun. I'm surprised things aren't awkward, I guess it is because we do truly love each other.

Thanks for reading this chapter!
I hope you enjoyed the little emotion rollercoaster😜
Don't worry we will meet cry soon!!!
Live you bros.
Say toasty my friends!!
*Brofist and Cryfive*

Friends wait... lovers (Pewdiepie fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora