Chapter 7 !!!!

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Hello brochachos!
Thanks for all the reads!
So I hope you are enjoying the story so far this is where things actually start happening!!


Zara POV:
As we were walking back felix puts an arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. After a couple of minutes he stops and turns to me. I look at him questionably. He then leans in and kisses me, I put my arms around his neck he pulls out of the kiss and rests his forehead on mine. He looks into my eyes and I look into his.
He turns and puts his arm back on my waist and we continue walking.
Can it be this easy. I mean we are still friends I'm not his girlfriend or anything. I mean friends kiss right?
We get back to the hotel and he's says goodnight and goes to his room.
I get changed and lay in bed thinking about the days event I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
I think about the kiss and drift into a happy, wanted sleep.

Felix POV:
As I wake up I can hear Zara In the kitchen and smell bacon.
I clamber out of my bed and shove on some clothes.
I hope I wasn't to hasty yesterday with the kiss and everything. We are still friends and nothing more, if she asks why I kissed her I will just say it was because I was thankful of her staying with me.
Even though I do love her.
I go to the kitchen and see she has made scrambled egg on toast with bacon on top.
"Morning Pewdie" she say chirpily.
"Morning" I smile
"Here, sir duck I have made you breakfast!" She announces.
"Thanks" I say while giggling.
"So want do you want to do today?" I ask while shoving my face full of toast.
"I don't mind!"
"Well I was thinking of staying here and playing video games all day but obviously you can do what ever you want!"
"Felix, I would love to stay with you. So what game do you want to play first?"
"Oh I don't know, so many to choose from!"
She collects my plate and puts it the sink then goes to the ps3 and turns it on while chucking me a controller. I get up and go and sit next to her on the settee.
"So what game is it?" I ask.
"Cool, good choice!"
**after an hour of gaming**
I give her a playful punch on the shoulder while laughing so much because the game had glitched and she had got stuck in a wall.
I think we were both crying from laughter. She then picks up a pillow and lobs it at my head. I run behind the sofa armed with two pillows. I throw them both and they both hit her in the head. She pretends to be dead by collapsing on the sofa. Marzia was never like this. It's bad that I have a better bond with someone I met only a few days before than I did with Marzia over years! She just so fun to be around.

Zara POV:
After our pillow fight we decide to go around the city a bit and explore round. After looking round for a few hours we go to a café to get a drink. I have a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and so does Felix.
When we are finished he says he knows a shortcut back to the Main Street. He grabs my hand and we start walking. When we get halfway down the alleyway he stops and hugs me, good luck there is no one around because it would look really weird.
"Felix, are you ok?"
"Yes but I can't hold it in anymore, Zara, I-I-I love you"
"Felix, I love you to! I mean I have always since I watched your first video, I just never dreamed I would meet you or anything."
"Zara, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes of cour-"
Before I can even finish the sentence he pushes me against the wall and kisses me. He pulls away and hugs me again!
I think this is my dream come true. I never thought I would meet Pewdiepie let alone stay in a hotel room with him, and I never thought not even in my wildest dream I would be his girlfriend, I guess me forgetting my phone charger wasn't such a bad thing after all.
We continue walking around and popping into shops, anything I wanted to buy he refused to let me pay for it and bought it for me.
We go back to the hotel and cook tea. I can't believe we're going home tomorrow!
(A/N there has been a time lapse thing and the two weeks is up and their plane home is tomorrow x3)
After tea I go and pack my bags, after I have finished I go and sit on the sofa Pewdiepie joins me.
"What are we going to do when we get back because my house is no where near you house?" I ask.
"Well I have been thinking about this and well, will you move in with me?"
"Oh my goat are you being serious, of course I will." I kind of squeak with excitement.
"Great" he says while cupping my face in his hand and shortly after a kiss on the cheek.
Oh my duck my life is perfect.
"So when are you going to tell the bros about me and all?"
"Well, we could film a video when we get back."
"Sounds great"
"Great, well I'm tired and need my beauty sleep so I will see you in the morning already for the flight."
"You look fabulous anyway poods! But night see you in the morning and don't let the barrels kidnap you?"
"Oi where are you going, I haven't had my night time kiss!" He says while tapping cheek and pouting.
I run and leap at him, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.
"Your what now, since when did you deserve one of those?" I say while hugging him, still suspended around his waist.
"Since forever!" He giggles.
I'm still around his waist while he goes to his room.
He lays on the bed with me underneath him he starts kissing my neck and makes his way up go my lips. I kiss the end of his nose and say,
"Don't you need you beauty sleep mr fabulous."
"I would give it up for you" he says while giving me a smirk.
"Well I need to pack! So you will have to wait for the time being!"
"Aww tough luck I'll just wait for you then!"
I get up and leave his room and go to my own I can hear him packing his recording equipment away.
I finish up my packing and jump into bed. After about 5 mins my door opens and Felix comes in,
"Couldn't stay away?"
"No but you must of dropped you phone in my room" he said while holding up my phone.
"Cheers" I say while sitting up.
I take my phone and turn it on I see he has changed my background to a selfie of him pulling the duck face.
"Oh that's just fabulous!" I exclaim while throwing an odd sock at Pewdies face. It hits him right on the nose and bounces of.
"Right you in for it now" he shouts as he runs and leaps on my bed. I clamber out the side taking a pillow with me and run out the door. He follows with the other pillow.
"It is OOOONN!!" I shout.
Then we just run around hitting each other with pillows.
After about 5 mins. We are both tired. I run over to him and kiss him on the cheek.
I then turn to go
"I love you babe!" He shouts behind me.
"Me to!" I shout back
I get into bed and drift off to sleep.

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Stay toasty bros!!
*brofist and cryfive*

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