Chapter 19!!

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The rest of the afternoon was awkward between all of us. No one really talked. Felix had made a few attempts to talk to me but they were all just ignored.
Cry and me ate tea together and Felix ate it in his room. I wonder if he knows that I know yet.
"Hey Zara" cry says in a hushed voice pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah" I smile back.
"If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do about Felix?"
"I don't know. If anybody has to leave it will be me because well.. You are his best friend and you wouldn't put him out. I don't know if I should talk to him or not. The amount of times he has promised me that the will never betray me then he goes and does this!? I just don't understand it. I thought he loved me" it was all to much I just started crying.
Cry said nothing as he scooted over to my side of the sofa and hugged me. The embrace felt good.  We must of sat there like like for a long time. Probably too long. I had only met him today but I felt close to him already. I must of fallen asleep on the couch because I next wake up I am in my bed. I get up and realise that I am not in my clothes from yesterday but a baggy shirt that looked like it belonged to either Cry or Pewdie. Which means that one of them must have undressed me last night. I feel a blush come across my face. I hurriedly get changed into some some of my own clothes. I wore some skinny jeans with a baggy t-shirt. I quickly brush my long hair and leave it loose. I put on some small brown boots and exit my room and head to the kitchen to make some breakfast.
I hear some other movement but I'm not sure it that is Felix or Cry.
I make some toast and decide to go for a walk. It's a beautiful morning as I stroll down the road It gives me time to think. To think about me and Felix. To think about where I would be If I never met him. To think about cry. Wait. What. Cry. The name sticks on my mind. Did I have a thing for cry??

Cry POV:
I just sat in my room thinking about everything that has happened.
I was the one who took Zara to bed last night. I was the one who got her changed. She woke up in my shirt. Me. All me.
I can't believe that Pewdiepie, my best friend Felix would do such a thing to a sweet innocent girl.
I snapped my self out my thinking as I hear Felix walk by my door.
Did I have a thing for Zara??
There was a knocking on my bedroom door.
"Cry. Is Zara in there with you?"
Shocked by this question but I quickly reply.
"No. Why would she be in here?"
I walk to the door and open it. Felix is leaning back on the wall he turns to me. His eyes are red and his cheeks puffy. He's been crying. A lot.
"Felix" I say in a soft tone. "Let's go and sit down"
I motion the the sofa.
Once he sits down and I get him a hot chocolate I sit down on a chair opposite him.
But before I could say anything Felix starts talking.
"I did it cry. I kissed someone else. I didn't think she saw but she must of. Oh god. I've messed up so bad. I love her. I really do. I can't loose her. I never meant for this." He just gives up and starts sobbing. There is nothing that I can do.
I go to see if Zara is awake but she isn't in her room. Felix gave me her number when I first picked him up at the airport. I send her a text.
Hey it's Cry. I was just wondering where your are. Felix is in a really bad state. I think you should come and talk to him. Bye:3
To be honest. I think I have a thing for Zara.

That's all for now guys!
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Stay toasty my friends.
*Brofist and Cryfive*

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