Chapter 13!!

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Hello welcome to chapter 13!
Hope you are enjoying it so far!
I really appreciate all the reads, it means more than it might seem!
This isn't going to be a long one sorry!
Love you!!

Felix's POV:
We made our way to the coffee shop that was just down the street.
"So Zara, are you sure you want to go to Florida to see cry?"
"Yes of course I'm sure! I've always wanted to meet him! Where will we be staying?"
"Great, uh we will be staying at crys house, Is that ok?"
"Yeah it's fine!"
We ordered our drinks and found a table.
"So when are we going?" She asked.
" Next Tuesday."
"Oh I better get packing!!"
I slowly reached my arm out and grabbed her hand and held it tightly. She looked at me with her gorgeous turquoise eyes, she looks happy. Almost as happy as when I first her.
Her phone started ringing, she picked up,
"Hello?! What? Calm down! Calm! Breathe just breathe! Ok, yes, yeah, on my way."
She ended the call.
she looked at me apologetically,
"Felix I'm sorry, that was jack, he was just in a serious car accident and wants me to me with him. I can drop you home if you like."
"Oh no! It's ok I'll go with you."
she hastily gulped the last of her hot chocolate and scampered out the door and briskly walked to the pickup which was stilled parked at the park.
I caught up with her as we reached the car. We both jumped in and she started the engine and drove of to the hospital.
<time skip>
As we pulled up at the hospital parking lot, Zara pulled into the free spaces and hot out the car.
I held her quaking hand and gave her a reassuring hug. Her bright eyes filled with tears. as we made our way to A&E and went to the desk she asked the receptionist where to go.
"Hello, we are here to see Jack Walker."
"Ok, let's see... I'm afraid mr. Walker can't have visitors at the moment as he is in critical condition. your welcome to take a seat in our waiting room and we will inform you as to when you can see him. May i take your names please?"
"Felix and Zara. Do you know how long it will be before we can see him?"
"I'm sorry it depends on his condition, we will keep you informed"
Zara reluctantly took a seat and started to fiddle with her hands. I took a seat next to her and out my arm around her.
"It will be fine I promise!" I reassuringly whisper in her ear. Gently, she put her head on my shoulder, I reached up and gently stroked her head and planted a kiss on her cheek.

Thanks for reading this guys!
Credit for my friend kate for coming up with Jacks last name!!!
Please give it a vote and comment or whatever really!
Thank you friends.
Love you Bros!
*Brofist and Cryfive*

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