Chapter 11!!

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Welcome to chapter 11 Friends!
Hope you are well!!
Zara POV:
1 hour later.
I feel felix shaking me awake.
"What is it?" I whisper
"Shhh" he says "there is someone in the house, stay here"
he looks at me with pleading eyes.
"Ok" I finally agree.
He cautiously gets out of bed and grabs a baseball bat from the beside the door.
2 mins later. I hear a cry and a crash. Thats it I have to help. I reach in the drawer to grab the small handgun I had from when I lived in America. I check it is loaded and make my way to the lounge. I see a man who his back to me aiming a shotgun to Felixs head who is on the floor, head pressed up against the wall. I quietly yet quickly press my gun to the back of his head. he flinches.
"Drop the gun now." I say bravely.
He hastily drops it and turns around with his hands up above his head. He kicks the gun towards me, still aiming it at his head.
"Hey calm it" he says while looking at me with pleading eyes.
I glance at felix who is looking at me confused. He is looking at the gun which is still aimed at the mans head. he doesn't know I have it. He doesn't even know I lived in America, that part of my past I would rather forget.
I see felix get the phone and call the police.

Felix POV:
As I'm pinned on the floor I see Zara come trough the door with a pistol in her hand. WHAT???! I never knew she had this. As she aimed it at the mans head I saw determination flicker in her bright eyes.
*timeskip to when police leave*
As is see the robber being pushed into the cop car I turn around and see Zara has gone. I head back to the bedroom and see the bathroom light on. I walk in, I can see her sitting in the shower, crying no sobbing. why?
"Hey, its ok. he's gone now. you probably saved my life." I say comfortingly while putting my arm around her shoulder.
"I'm sorry felix" she sobs. "I'm so sorry"
"Hey babe there is nothing to be sorry about"
"I-I never told you I had a gun and I haven't told you about my life before I met you. I'm sorry."
"It's alright." I say while pulling her into me. "If you don't like lying to me them tell me." I flash a sweet smile.
"I lived in America for 4 years. I moved there when I was 18. I had a really lovely apartment I shared with 2 other people, they went on holiday and I was there by myself. I heard gun shots from down the hall, I heard screams of agony. I heard men shouting. I dialled 911. I heard the crash of my own door. I had owned the gun since I moved to America for protection. I grabbed it and hid, but I knew they would find me. I saw them come in my room, I was in the cupboard. They turned to go out and I quietly came out and shot the closest one in the head. They all turned to look at me. I jut stared at my hands at the gun I had just killed someone with. They all aim their guns at me, I heard the sirens but I knew they were going to kill me. I shot them, all but one who shot me first. I just killed 5 men. I wanted to die, but the ambulance came just in time, stopped the bleeding ad I was fine. But I had murdered people.
The last robber said he was just doing a robbery and that I killed them unnecessarily, when I was proven innocent all of my friends, my family hated me. Everyone thought I was a murderer. I moved to England to get away from it. Get away from my nightmare life. But I guess it caught up with me." She looked at me with tear soaked eyes.
"I'm sorry felix, I shouldn't have lied. I would understand if you want to leave me. I will move out if you want."
"Oh my god Zara I had no idea. No I do not want you to move out. I will always love you no matter what. Baby please don't cry" I tuck a bit of hair behind her ear. I plant a kiss on her soft lips. she tightly wraps her arms around my neck. I tuck my arm under her legs and gently pick her up. I carry her to bed and lay her down.
"Hey babe, if you don't want to I totally understand but Cry has invited us to stay with him in Florida. but if you don't want to its ok."
"No that would be lovely, I've always wanted to meet cry, almost as much as I wanted to meet you!" She say jokingly. "It'll be nice to go on holiday" she says smiling, I'm glad she's felling better.

Got to end it here my friends :-)
So we are going to meet cry? Will things go well?
Please fav comment and all that jazz!!
Stay toasty bros!!
*Brofist and cryfive*

Friends wait... lovers (Pewdiepie fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora