Chapter 18!!

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Heyyy once again the time has come to update!

Zara POV:
After a night full of dreams of Cry and Pewdiepie i wake up to the horrible sound of my alarm. God I hate it so much! But today is the day! We leave to see Cry! I can't actually express how excited I am. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the long plane journey but it's going to remind me from when I first met Felix. I wonder if Felix knows what he looks like. If he takes his mask off around Felix. I wonder if I will see his face.

If my old friends could see the situation I was in right one I think they would have a fan girl attack or something.
I am pulled out of my train of thought by Felix wiggling around.
"Mernin" he grumbles as he turns over.
Our flight is this afternoon so we have ages to get ready!
I struggle to fully wake up so I go and have a nice shower to start the day.
When I'm all done in the shower and head to the kitchen to make pancakes there is a nock on the door.
*sigh* I want pancakes.
As I trudge over to the door and open I see that it is Aaron.
What is he doing here!?! Didn't he get the picture yesterday that we don't want him around.
I hesitantly open the door.
"What do you want n.."
I was cut off as he pulled me into a hug and kissed me, passionately, on the lips. I pull back stunned.
"What the hell Aaron. You know I have a boyfriend. Please don't do this now. " I plead.
To be honest he is actually very attractive. He has bright blue eyes with sandy blonde hair, a bit lighter than Pewdies. When I lived next to him I wouldn't say we were in a relationship but we went out together a lot and to be even more honest I used to love him. A lot. But his crazy ex broke us up, if she didn't do that we would probably be together. But not any more. Not now I have Felix.
"Come on. You will always be mine. Please come back to me. Please sweetheart."
I didn't even have to think twice.
"No Aaron. Sorry, I'm leaving for Florida later today and I do not need any stress from you. Come on. Let's just put our history behind us and forget about it. And seriously. Your not bad looking. It's not going to be hard for you to get a girlfriend. Please." I ask with pleading eyes.
"B..but I love you Zara. I don't what anyone else. I want you. And I would stick by you forever. Please just think more about it while your away. I'm always here for you. I promise." It sounded like genuine caring in his voice. I guess I still like him but I have Felix and I don't need any trouble from him.
"Ok" I blurt out trying to end the conversation. "Bye" I go to shut the door but it is stopped by his hand. He hugs me and turns to leave. I shut the door and turn around to see Felix.
"Morning" I say. "Excited to leave today!?"
"What was he doing here??" He asks changing the subject.
"He just came t.."
"I know exactly what he said I heard and saw all of it." I can't tell if he is angry or not. 
"I didn't exactly invite him over did I. He came here and he kissed me. Not my fault. Our history goes back a long way but I have been over him for years. I love you Felix and no one else."
"You had better not screw me over. I've already had that happen to me once and I'm not going to let it happen again. I love you too. I guess I'm just being over protective but I don't want to loose you. " with that he hugs me and turns and walks away.
I think he's annoyed, but I think he will get over it. I'm not going to do anything with Aaron or anyone else.

***Timeskip to airport***

As we pull up at the airport and get our bags from the boot I keep glancing at Felix to see is he is still annoyed.
"Hey Felix, are you still annoyed with me?" I hesitantly ask.
He doesn't reply but walks over to me and takes both my hands and squeezes them.
"I was never angry at you I was just annoyed at Aaron. He shouldn't do that!!"
"I know he shoul-" I couldn't finish my sentence before he was kissing me and had his arms tight around my shoulders.

~* yet another timeskip*~ ( boarding the plane )

Felix took ages in the bathroom so we were one of the last people to board the flight, which meant there wasn't much choice in seating. I was put at the back and Felix was closer to the front.
But even more importantly was who I was sitting next to. I was put next to one of the fittest men alive on this earth. Of all people why did I have to sit with him. His name was Josh and he was really nice. We talked most the flight. After a few hours I fell asleep, but it must of been on his shoulder because when I wake up my head was still there. I think I start to blush because he turns to me and asks if everything is alright.
"Y-Yeah" I manage to stutter.
"Good" he smiles and winks.
He had a strong yet sexy American accent.
His brown hair and emerald eyes went perfect with his tanned skin.
I decide to text Felix to see how he is doing. I know he was sat next to a woman who thought he was really hot because we had texted earlier.
I pressed send but got no reply.
The journey was quickly over and we reached the airport with minimal bags of peanuts and diet Pepsi.
I made my way up to the front to find Felix but he had already gotten off. Josh was following close behind me as I could smell his strong scent of aftershave.
After we went through the service checkout and had our passports checked I made my way to collect my luggage off the conveyor.
"Oh there's mine" I kind of mutter to myself. Still aware that josh was with me.
I keep scouting round for Felix but can't see him anywhere.
"Where could he be where could he be" I whisper under my breath.
As I turn to walk away from the luggage conveyor I feel a hand grip my shoulder. I turn around startled to see Josh standing there.
"Can I at least get your number before you disappear off?"
Wait did he have a thing for me?
"Uhh... Sure I guess"
I input my name and number into his phone as he does to mine. Still haven't seen Felix anywhere. As I head to the doors wondering if he is waiting outside for me I glance out the corner of my eye the women that sat with Felix on the plane. I start walking over to her to ask if she knew what way he went but quickly ditch that decision as I seen Felix standing next to her. Just before I called out his name I stop myself as I see the women turn around and kiss him on the lips. He doesn't even seem to care that she did and they just keep talking and laughing together.
I feel tears prick in my eyes but not wanting to make a fuss I just turn around and head to a cafe on the other side of the airport.
How could he.
That was all i could think at this point.
Just replaying that moment in my head. Still holding back the inevitable tears that would later come.
I bought myself a hot chocolate and found a table.
I felt a slight buzz in my pocket from my phone. I take it out to see a text from Felix saying that he was looking for me and to meet him at Cry's car which was near the door.
I quickly finish my drink and head out to the car.
How could he.
Was still all I could think about.
I quickly saw Cry's car with Felix leaning on the bonnet.
"Hey beautiful" he greets me with a warm smile and opens his arms expecting a hug. Like nothing ever happened. He obviously thought that I didn't see so he could just get say with it. Well he was wrong. I completely ignored him and got in the other side of the car. Cry was sitting in the drivers side of the car. He turned around and offered my his hand I shook it.
"Hello my names Zara, nice to meet you"
"Cry, nice to meet you too."
Felix got in the other back door so he was sitting next to me.
"I don't understand"
I just ignore him and turn toward the window. Cry starts driving and Felix gives up trying to talk to me as all of his attempts are hopeless. I just put my earphones in and the time passes quickly. As we arrive at the house Cry opens my door and gets my luggage for me. Felix is still getting his stuff out the car as me and cry enter the house.
"If everything ok between you and Felix?" Cry asks me. Genuine caring in his voice.
I glance out and see that Felix is still sorting the car out.
"To be honest with you" I take a deep breath "No. I saw him kissing another woman at the airport and he is acting like it doesn't matter because he thinks I didn't see it. I need your help cry."
"Oh my god I'm sorry. I didn't think he would ever do such a thing. I will help you with whatever you want."
We both go quiet as Felix comes in. I may have only just met Cry but I trust him.

What will happen next!
Well I guess you will just have to wait!
Next chapter I think I may include a bit of Cry's POV!!
Please leave a comment and a vote! It means a lot!
Stay toasty my friends!
*Brofist and Cryfive*

Friends wait... lovers (Pewdiepie fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang