Chapter 3!! (Love at first sight?)

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Welcome to chapter 3!!
Hope you enjoy!
Love you bros!

Zara POV:
We'll I have a hour to waste before my flight so...
OOHH DUCK!!?? I've left my iPhone charger at home, dammit, I go to duty free to buy another one!!
(At the shop)
"That will be 7 pounds please?" The cashier requests.
Damn that's a lot, wait, I only have a fiver, crap, um um um
"That's ok I'll pay for it!" A random stranger say from behind my back! That voice sound so familiar, with that sweet Swedish accent!
I swing around to see who is doing this great act of kindness!
No, it can't be, what the hell! I think I was frozen to the spot! Eyes wide! It can't be, i-it's PEWDIEPAH!! OH MUY GOGSH
"Hello bro!" Felix exclaims.
He hands the cashier the money, who is standing there looking like he is questioning the existence of the world!
Felix drags me to the side because we are causing quite a que.
"Always like to be kind to brochachos!" He smiles at me.
"How did you know I was a bro?" I question. What the hell I just met the one and only Pewdiepie and I'm asking why, what the heck.
"Cause your wearing one of my falcon lover shirts!" He giggles!
Oh yeah I forgot.
"Can all passengers for flight 708 for SanFransico please begin boarding." The loud speakers anounce.
"Come on let's go." He grabs my hand and pulls me to the terminal.
Wait how did he know I was on his flight? Oh yeah it's on the tag on my luggage! I can't believe this I have actually met Pewdiepie!
We load the plane together, as we look for a seat he finds a double one free, and pokes me on the shoulder and points to it, what he wants me to sit with him! That fine by me!
We make our way over to the seats and he takes my luggage and puts it the overhead holds, such a gentleman!!

Pewds POV( yay!!)
My gosh she's so beautiful! I saw her standing there and decided to help! And she has actually sat next to me! As I lift her luggage into the overhead hold I see her blush and show the cutest smile ever! What the heck felix! She has most probably got a boyfriend and it has only been two weeks since the Marzia Thing. Oh my gosh, I just need sleep!
I sit down and listen to all the safety checks and then we start to take off. I keep seeing her glancing at me through the corners of her eyes. I just smile back. She quickly looks away and blushes, aww she's so cute. I wonder how old she is? No I shouldn't even think about that!
"Hey, um I never got your name!?"
"Oh it's Zara."
"That's a beautiful name!"
She blushes and looks away!
"So where are you staying?"
"Oh I haven't booked anything yet, I'm going to try and find a hotel when I get there."
"Oh don't bother with that! The room I've booked has three beds and there is only one of me!"
"Oh, um thanks a lot!!" She smiles and looks so happy. "If your sure that's ok, I don't want to get in the way or anything!"
"Honestly, it's fine!" I reply.
"Well, ok if your sure!"
"I'm sure"
I take her hand and give it a squeeze, she gazes down then looks back up with a confused yet happy expression on her face.

Zara POV:
OH MY GOSH, Did that really just happen?
Ok, ok calm, calm! Just breath! Now he's holing my hand, damn I love him so much!
He releases his grip and gets his phone out and starts fiddling with it.
I grab my headphones and phone and open YouTube!
I immediately go to Pewdiepies channel and watch his Last Of Us play-through for like the millionth time!
In no time at all we are landing and being unloaded. Flex grabs my cases and hands them to me giving me a sweet smile.
As we get out the airport terminal Felix takes me to a cab which he had already booked, I guess. He opens the door and gestures for me to get in while the driver is putting the cases in the boot.
I remember the chocolate I had in my pocket and get it out, I break it in a half and hand Felix one half, he flashes a sweet smile then bites into it.
As we arrive at the hotel I see that thus is no normal hotel, this is the best, 5* hotel around. It has fancy doors and what looks like a dome over the lobby!
"Oh my gosh it's beautiful." I exclaim. God that must have sounded really stupid!
"Wait till you see inside!" He exclaims while gesturing towards the door.
The driver has unloaded all our luggage and is waitng( i guess for money)
Felix turns around and hands him the required amount. He then turns back to me and starts to walk towards the entrance, I hastily follow him! When we get the the doors he holds them open and I walk through, inside it's so amazing,
"It looks almost like a cathedral!" I say in wonder.
Felix walks up to the desk and hands over his booking, the receptionist hands him his keys the point the way if the elevator.
He turns around and walks over to me who is still gazing around the domed room.
"Come on" he says "let's see our room" he flashes a sweet yet cheeky smile.

Well that's all for the chapter, it was a little longer!
Please vote, comment and library! It all helps!
I'll see you in the next chapter!
Stay toasty my bro friends!! :-)

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