Chapter 17!!

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Another chapter! Yay!

Zara POV:
The guy is nocked clean out and falls onto the grass.
" Felix " I whisper while looking at the guy who is unconscious on the ground.
He turns to me and wraps his arms around me.
"Don't worry it's over now" He murmurs into my ear.
"What are we going to do with him? I mean we can't just leave him here right?" I ask.
"Why can't we? He attacked us so we have the right to leave him here. Let's hope that a dog comes and pees on his face or something!"
I giggle at his last remark.
"Should we head back then?" He asks.
"Yeah I guess. We could just go home and play video games!" I suggest.
"Sounds good to me!"
We head back to the car with is arm tight around my waist.
"Oh crap" he exclaims.
"What??" I reply
"We are going to Florida to see Cry in 2 days. I completely forgot."
"Oh no! I need to pack! It normally takes me a week to pack!!"
"I need to tell the bros I'm going! Wait... Would it be ok if I did a vlog with you on the trip? It will give the bros a chance to see you! Pretty please!" He asks giving me his best puppy dog eyes.
"I guess" I say shyly. I have always hated cameras. I'm just to damn shy I guess. But it will be good for the bros to meet me. I wonder what they will think of me. Will they like me? Will they hate me?
I bet there are so many people who wish to be in my position. I still can't believe that I met him because I left my phone charger at home! I don't know where in my life I'd be if I didn't meet Felix. I'd probably still be living my boring life that consisted of Netflix and pizza.
When we get home I start packing but it's getting late so I go to bed. Felix is recording some videos so when we are away he will have free time.
~~ the next morning~~
I wake up to the sun peeking through the curtains. I let out a big yawn as I stretch. Felix is already up which leaves the room in an eerie silence. The only noise that can be heard it the early birds chirping in the trees.
The sun is shining and it is warm so I decide to put on my floral skirt accompanied by a white blouse. I shove some brown flats on and do a messy bun with my hair. I head downstairs to find a small gift box and a note on the table but no Felix.
I pick up the note and read through it.

I have gone out this morning but I shall return! I just have to go and get some of my equipment fixed as Edgar broke it last night. I didn't want to wake you so I thought I'd just head out. I have been meaning to give this to you for a while now but kept on forgetting so I hope you like your little gift!
And just remember that I love you!

Aww that's really sweet I think to myself as I pick up the small box. It has a ribbon tied around it keeping the lid on. I slid the ribbon off and carefully take the lid off.
"Wow" I gasp to myself.
Inside the box there is a silver necklace with blue beads laced in-between the links of he chain. It was so beautiful! And It goes perfectly with the outfit I'm wearing. I put it on and grab my phone and quickly send Jack a text.
It reads: Hey Felix has gone out this morning. Fancy grabbing breakfast somewhere?
I press send and quickly get a reply:
Sure! Normal place in 10!
I grab the car keys and head for the cafe. Jack it still recovering from his car accident. I haven't seen him for a while so it will be nice to catch up! I wonder while I am driving if I should send Felix a text but I know he would just get worried if I said I was with Jack.

As I get to the cafe I see Jacks new car in the car park and pull up next to it.
I head Into the cafe and see Jack at a table. He waves and I go over and sit with him.
"Hey Jack. How are you?" I ask.
"I'm good thanks, how are you and Felix?"
"We're good. We are heading to Florida in one day!!" I say clear excitement in my time.
"Wow" he says clear shock on his face."how long are you going for?"
"To be honest with you I have no idea!" I giggle as I have a look at the menu.

*timeskip cause I'm lazy!*
I pull up to the drive and see that Felix still isn't home. Hmm that's strange. I thought he would be home by now.
After about 3 hours of packing I decide to call him and ask how much longer he will be.
I call but he doesn't pick up. Oh well I guess  he will just get home when he does.
I get bored so I decide to take Edgar out on a walk. As we make our way to the park I see  a man called Aaron. I hadn't seen him for years but before I moved to America he was my neighbour. He was really weird and had a huge crush on me! I try my best to avoid him by ducking behind a tree but just as I think it's safe and come out he looks my way and waves. I just smile back and turn and walk the other way.
Once we get home I see that Felix has returned and I get a sense of relief wash over me.
I walk in and close the door behind me.
"Eyyyy!" I say as I take my shoes off and get a glass of water.
"Hello! Happy are we?" Felix replies as he walks Into the  kitchen. "Sorry I took so long but..." He is cut if by three sharp knocks at the door. I look out the window and see Aaron at the door.
"Oh crap." I exclaim as I duck down.
"What?? " Felix asks.
I explain who Aaron is and go and hide behind the sofa.
Felix goes and opens the door.
"Hello" Felix says.
"Hi, who are you?"
"I'm Felix who lives in this house. Better known as Pewdiepie."
"Oh I thought Zara lived here."
"She does." Felix replies quite curtly.
"Oh" Aaron replied sounding very shocked. "Are you her brother or something?"
"No. I'm her boyfriend. Can I help you?" Sarcasm rising at his last remark.
"W-what, she has a boyfriend. She just moves away from me and gets a boyfriend without telling me! Can I see her?"
I find it hard not to giggle at how funny this is.
"Well why not. She was my girl before she was yours. And I promise you I have changed since then."
"No means no and please get off my door step or I shall remove you myself." Felix replies. He's finding it hard himself to hold back laughter at how stupid this guy can be.
Aaron still doesn't leave so Felix just slams the door in his face.
"Goodbye" he shouts through the door, he turns to me "Well that worked"
"Haha I know right."

A. Few. Hours. Later...
I've just about finished packing whereas Felix hasn't even started.
I'm so bored! I've always hated packing. But at least we are leaving for Florida tomorrow. I can't believe we are going to see cry and stay with him! To be honest I have been a fan of Cry longer than I have Pewdiepie but he doesn't need to know that!

Sorry got to end it here! At least it was a long one! Please comment and vote and stuff. I really appreciate it more than you think!
Stay toasty my friends.
*Brofist and Cryfive*

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