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Requested by AnneOreo 
I didn't get a specific request so i hope you like it!
Female reader x Murderer? Dream
Mentions of blood and murder. 

It didn't feel real, It went by so fast. What happened?

pictures flashed through your mind, your friend, your boyfriend Clay, blood- lots of blood. Your friend on the floor covered in blood, yourself covered in their blood, Clay picking you up and walking away. 

He brought you to his house, walked upstairs and opened his bathroom with his foot. Setting you down he helped you undress and sat you down on the toilet as he ran water, setting up a warm bath. 

You looked at yourself. Blood was everywhere even with your clothes off. 

Clay picked you up and set you in the bath, you looked at him as he smiled and pat your head, then left. You pulled your legs to your chest and wrapped your arms around yourself. What happened? 

Clay came back a minute later in new clothes, a little blood on his face but not much. He had a cup in his had. He kneeled down and rolled his sleeves up. Scooping some water into the cup, bringing it up and pored the water on top of your head. The water dripped down, taking the blood with it. He did this a couple times before taking some soap and rubbed his hands together getting the soap all bubbly before rubbing it into your hair. 

It felt nice. You closer your eyes, taking a deep, shaky, breath.

He pored more water on your head, taking the soap with it down. dripping down your water.

He left, leaving you in the bloody red water. What happened?

He came back with a grey-purple towel, your favorite towel. You loved it cause it was fluffy and always smelt like lavender.

He grabbed your arm and helped you stand up. Wrapping the towel around you he pulled you in for a kiss. It was just a peck but it meant something to you.

Helping you out of the bath he dried you off and helped you change into some pants and one of his classic green hoodies. He picked you up and walked out of the backroom, down stairs and to his kitchen where he sat you down at the marble bar like area. You watched him pull out a few things from his fridge and cupboards and watched him cook.

After awhile he put a plate infront of you with a fork and went around the bar like island and sat next to you. He picked up the fork and scooped up some food.


And you did, you opened your mouth and he fed you the food. It was good. 
What happened?

He kept feeding you till you refused to eat more, so about half the plate left. He sighed and put the fork down. Getting up and picking you up again.

He walked back upstairs and laid you on his bed, laying you under the covers and kissing your head.

"I'll be back, okay?"

Nodding you looked up at his face, he smiled and picked you on your lips again before walking out, turning off the lights and closing the door.

What happened?

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