Most likey goodbye

935 24 14

Pretty self explanatory.

I'm no longer in the MCYT community, most likely won't ever be back in it. I'm done with this part of my life, and I hope to never be back into it.

I'm sorry for those I never got requests, and I'm sorry for those who enjoyed me book.

I'm finding it harder and harder to write stories in general, it feels like a chore. I go from fandom to fandom, making books I never post or publish and it's tiring.

I'm tired and don't want to do anything anymore. I'm finding it hard to do anything, and writing stories for you all is even more tiring.

I'm sorry but I don't think I'll ever come back, I don't want too.

I might post a few more stories, but I most likely won't.

I want to say goodbye to this fandom forever, the toxicity and homophobia, the demand for constant content. It's so draining.

I'm done, and I want to be done forever.

If your a friend I made throughout my time here, I'll stay your friend, but I'm done here.

Thank you, and goodbye.

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