Sleepy bois inc pt2

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SBI x Child! Reader
Part 2!

Summery: Tommy wakes reader up and brings them to the table for dinner. The SBI family treat y/n as a kid and not an adult and they end up crying at the end


They jumped up to see Tommy's face right in front of their face. They looked at him wise wide eyes before clearing their through and sliding off the bed.

"Why don't you talk?" He asked while looking at them as if they were going to answer them. Though they stayed quiet.

"Anyway, Dadza said you have to borrow some of my clothes cause you don't have any. Though that's weird, why don't you have clothes? You're wearing clothes so you do have clothes, so I don't understand why you have to borrow MY clothes." He rambled while taking their hand and dragging them out of the bedroom and to his bed room.

As he rambled and complained about Dadza making him let them use his clothes he let go of their hand and dug through his dresser and closet tossing clothes around and making a pile. After a bit of digging through and making a pile of clothes he picks up the pile and pushes the pile into their hands before pushing them out of his room and slams the door shut behind them.

They stood in the hallway for a bit looking at the clothes in their arms. They were trying to process what had just happened when Techno walked up the stairs and walked down the hall to get to his room. 

He walked into their small figure and knocked them over, making them drop all their clothes in the process. They looked at their hands and then the clothes before they went to pick up the clothes with haste, but before they could grab a single item of clothing a larger hand started picking up the clothes.

They looked up to see Techno picking up the clothes and folding them messily into a pile. He looked at them after he noticed them staring and gave them a soft smile and lightly grabbing their hand and helping them up as he held the pile of clothes in the other hand.

He held onto their hand as he started walking down the hall with the clothes. He stopped at their room and let go of their hand to open the door before taking their hand again and walking it. They just followed him while basking in the warmth of his hand, never had anyone done this for them, especially an older kid.

They snapped out of the dream when Techno let go of their hand and began putting their clothes in the dresser before being stopped. They had grabbed his hand and held it in both of theirs while looking away. They looked embarrassed and ashamed, tears pricked their eyes as they shook, holding tightly to his hand.

Techno sighed before turning to face them and put his hand on theirs while pulling the one they held out of their grip and putting it on the other side so he was cupping their hands. They looked at him in surprise as Techno looked away thinking of what to do next. He sighed and let go of their hands, which made them try grabbing his hand again before he picked them up with his arm so they sat on it and grabbing their hands with his free hand.

They leaned on him and tightened their grip on his hand as he walked out of their room and into the hall. He walked down to he and Wilbur's room and opening the door with a struggle as he had to use the hand holding them cause they wouldn't let go of his hand. When he got the door open he walked in and kicked it close before walking to his bed and sitting down.

He took his arm out from under them and sat them down on his lap as he reached over and got a book from his shelf and pulled them close as he opened the book. As he started reading out loud the book, they listened to his every word about the gods and deities that once ruled the world. They hung onto his every word and stored then in their head, hoping that one day it would come in handy. 

Techno's calming voice lulled them to sleep as they let their full body weight, which wasn't much, lean on him as he read. He had only noticed they were asleep when Wilbur came in and quietly laughed at the sight of Techno being soft to a sleeping child. He quickly became defensive when Wilbur tried taking them from him as he 'didn't want them to wake', though he knew he was becoming attached quickly. 

He slowly woke them up when Wilbur notified it was time for dinner. They slowly awoke and looked around before quickly getting off Techno's lap and looking away embarrassed and scared, they shook as Techno grabbed heir hand slowly and stood up. He walked them out the room and down the stairs to the dinner table where the others sat.

When Tommy saw Techno holding their hand he started yelling about how Techno was treating them like a king while he treated himself like a peasant. The yelling had hurt (Y/N)'s ears and so they let go of Techno's hand and covered their ears while trying to hold in the tears. Philza took notice of this and lightly smacked Tommy's head before going to pick them up and calm them. 

After they calmed down they were set down in a chair next to Tommy. Across from them was Wilbur who sat next to Techno and at the end of the table was Philza. They all started to serve themselves. (Y/N) went to reach a plate but they couldn't reach it so they slowly sat on their knees to lift themselves up to grab it before a hand stopped them and grabbing it.

They looked up to see Tommy holding the plate and putting the food on their plate for them. He caught them staring and looked away as he set the plate down. After he did he took his fork and stuffed his face with the food that sat on his plate while looking away as they stared. Wilbur chuckled and muttered something about 'who's soft now' which caused Tommy to start yelling again.

They let out a quiet whine as they covered their ears again, Tommy caught wind of it and stopped yelling immediately while lightly petting their head before stuffing his face again while looking away with a blush of embarrassment.

Philza smiled as he saw his kids getting along with (Y/N). He never thought that they would take quick to help (Y/N) with their problems. He saw as their shell quickly cracked and they slowly became more of a kid, acting their age.

Though they didn't speak, they didn't need to. They all knew (Y/N) was happy to be a kid again. 

And they were all happy too.

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