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DNF x Guardian!Reader

The reader is George's Parental Guardian.

A/N: I don't ship Dreamnotfound, nor do I really care about ships, but this is an old request (I don't remember who made it- and even if I did, I wouldn't say it because I know how this fandom can be with ships). I changed the plot entirely, from Y/N being an ex-hitman to just a really pushy parent. thank you, bye.


"C'mon Dream, they're nothing to worry about" George smiled, holding onto Dream's arm as he pulled him up the driveway.

"I know but-" with hesitation in his voice, Dream stood still and looked down.

"But?" George pulled on.

"But what if I mess up? Say something weird? They're your Guardian! If I screw up who knows what'll happen" Dream exaggerated, raising his arms up into the air as if it would help his situation.

"You'll be fine, Mah-pah's an understanding person" George smiled, pulling Dream up the driveway once again.

With a knock on the door, Dream held onto George's sleeve. He was nervous, justifyingly so. Today was the day he was to meet his boyfriends Guardian, parent, the person who raised him. He was nervous, but he knew he had to thank them for raising such a nice boy.

"Georgie, is 'dat you? You're late!" A voice called in from the house. Seconds after the door swung open with a semi-scary voice.

"I'm sorry Mah-Pah, Trafic was less than pleasant" George smiled, leaning into the hug they had given him.

"And who's 'dis?" 'Mah-Pah' asked, letting go and turning their attention to Dream.

"Uh- Right! Mah-Pah, this is my boyfriend- Dream! Dream this is my Mah-Pah" George introduced the two. 

'Map-Pah' looked Drema up and down, making Dream all the more nervous than he felt he should be. With a bright smile and a big laugh, 'Map-Pah' pulled Dream into a large, bone-crushing, hug.

"What a handsome boy! Georgie, you sure do know how ta' pick 'em" They said, winking as Dream flushed red.

George laughed with a smile, holding onto Dream's hand as they walked into the house, inviting the couple in.

"So- uh- Mrs. NotFound-" 

"Please! Call me Mah-Pah! You're family now" They smiled, gently patting Dream on the cheek before going into the kitchen.

"Okay then- Mah-Pah, thank you for letting us stay for dinner..." Dream pulled on, scratching his neck as he sat next to George at the dinner table.

"Nonsense! You're lucky you came over!" They called out.

"Why?" Dream asked, leaning over the table to see into the kitchen.

"Look at you! You're so twiggy, you need some meat on 'dem bones to grow like a big boy! Georgie knows how it goes. So glad you boys came over" They said, walking into the dining room. Drem quickly sat in the seat properly after they came into view.

"Mah-Pah~!" George whined, leaning his head on Dream's shoulder.

"What? I'm not saying a bluff, am I? You're both like twigs, I can't let you out of this house looking like this and letting the neighbors think I'm starving you" They stated, setting multiple plates and bowls down.

"Now go ahead and eat you two, eat your fill, and don't be shy" They smiled, ruffling both the boys' hair as the couple started serving themselves.


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