Incorrect Quotes

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Bad: "By destroying everyone who hates the eg-"


Bad: "I'm not going to eat that-"

(Y/N): *Starts screaming*

Bad: "ENOUGH! I will try some already"


(Y/N): "If you kill me can you send a letter to my Boyfriend. 'He's the best piece of ass I've ever had'. It's the least you could do"

Sapnap: "Okay, sure. What's his name and address?"

(Y/N): "You don't know your own Fathers name and address?"


Dream and George talking:

(Y/N): *In the way*

Dream: *Pushes their head down to talk to George better*

(Y/N), A touch starved Queer: 'I'm a, Slave, for you'


(Y/N): "Okay. What's one thing in your closet that you absolutely love, but have no place to wear?"

Eret: "Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you"

Eret: *Walks into room wearing a two-piece dress*

Eret: "I absolutely love this dress, how it gives me a good figure. But where am I going to wear this? Like it's not an everyday dress, and It's deffo not a club dress, so where?"

(Y/N): "I know where"

Eret: "Where?"

(Y/N): "My room ;)"


(Y/N): "Hey uncle Jimmy (Mr.Beast), I don't know if you remember this but, 7 years ago you bought me these" 

(Y/N): *Pulls out a pair of steal toe boots*

(Y/N): "You and I had walked into a redwings store to buy yourselves some boots, and I crawled over to the mens section to look at things and I fell in love with the steal toes."

(Y/N): "And you just bought them for me. Like right off the shelf, no questions asked, You bought them for me"

(Y/N): "And it turns out, that was the first time anyone bought me anything from the mens section, and I was like 'woah, like he just, he just normalized that' and low-key, I've been wearing these boots for seven years"

(Y/N): "Because they give me the confidence to wear what I wanna wear, everyday. And they're dead now, they're stretched, I can't really wear them without them slipping off. BUT"

(Y/N): *Brings foot up*

(Y/N): "I just bought my own mens steal toes and I just wanted to thank you"

*Video ends*

Jimmy: *In tears as Chris and Chandler try to calm him down*


Niki: "Wow, I wish I had a strong and sexy They/Them to help my carry mt laundry"

(Y/N): "Hi! I'm a They/Them, and I would love to help"


Wilbur: "When they texts 'I can't go out because I can't leave my grandmother at home alone'"

Philza: *Following behind Wilbur*

Philza: "Sheeeesh"


George: "Going on a first date with a goth girl (Y/N)"

*Few hours later*

George: "Go peed on..."

(Not being rude)

Dream: "Find yourself a smart person they said..."
Dream: "Find yourself a person that likes to read, because it will provide for a more intellectually stimulating relationship they said..."
Dream: "Out here running a bunch of errands... Sent them into the library to do one thing. Sent them into the library to print one piece of paper..."

15 minutes later

Dream: *sigh* "They better not be checking out any new books..."
Dream: "This printer better be broken"
Dream: "They better be providing essential life saving support to someone"
Dream: "I'm never sending them in the library ever again"
Dream: *Walks into library to see (Y/N) not at the printer or computers*
Dream: "What the hell? What the hell?"
Dream: *walks around before finding (Y/N) on the ground reading books*
Dream: "Babes!" 

(Y/N): *Jumps up and stares at Dream*

Dream: "You had one thing to do- one thing"

(Y/N): "Hear me out- Hear me out-"
(Y/N): "Okay... Okay- Um... I'm gonna do it now- I'm gonna do it now"  


This was Pre-made while I was watching Tiktoks
Hope you enjoyed

Question for the chapter
Favorite type of one shot? Like Fluff, Angst or something else?

Have a good day! 

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