Sleepy Bois Inc

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SBI x Reader

"DAAAAAAD, I'M GOING TO (Y/N)'S" Tommy yelled, standing by an open door waiting for the response of his Father.

"Okay! Be back by dark" Philza yelled back, he chuckled slightly when he heard Tommy let out a 'WOOO' before slamming the door. He took a sip of his tea while the twins in front of him stared at him.

"Who's (Y/N)?" Wilbur questioned, leaning on the table as he stared at his Father.

"And why was Tommy so excited to see them?" Techno asked, leaning back while also staring at his Father.

"I honestly don't know, but Tommy came back one day talking about them non-stop. They seem to be a nice person, and ever since Tommy met them he's been eating all three meals a day, so I'm thankful to them" Philza explained while taking a small bite from the biscuit/cracker that sat on his plate.

"Really?" Techno said, more intrigued than before.

"I do remember Tommy having a hard time eating even one meal, so that's really good" Wilbur smiled while taking a drink of his tea.

"Mhm, I'm planning on going over tonight and bring them dinner if you'd like to join us?" Philza asked though it was more of a demand for the two.

"Sure, I'd love to meet the person who's been helping my little Brother" Wilbur smiled.

"I guess my schedule is free for that" Techno said while leaning back in his chair. 

After a bit, Wilbur had asked Techno for his biscuit/cracker and Techno pushed the plate to Wilbur.


"I'M BACK" Tommy yelled while slamming the door closed and putting his bag down on the couch.

"Welcome back Tommy" Wilbur waved while sticking his head out of the kitchen. 

"HI WILBUR! Hello Techno" Tommy smiled widely while staring at Techno as he sat on the couch. Techno just nodded his way while turning the page of his book that he was reading.

"Tommy, You're back just in time. We're about finished with Dinner" Philza smiled while walking out of the kitchen and walking over and patting the youngest's hair.

"What's for dinner?" Tommy asked while looking at the empty table, "And where's dinner?".

"We're going to (Y/N)'s house for dinner" Philza answered while Wilbur walked out of the kitchen with a bag over his shoulder, presumably filled with food.

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Tommy yelled while running around the house. He only stopped when Techno stood up and Tommy bumped into him, falling to the ground. Techno slowly turned around and glared down at Tommy, causing him to panic and run behind Phil. 

"Alright kids, calm down and get ya stuff so we can go" Phil said while patting Tommy's hair.

Techno grabbed his pig skull and set it on his head and grabbed his cape that was hanging by the fire and also put it on before walking out with the rest.


Tommy lead the way because no one else knew where the house was. Along the way Tommy didn't stop talking about how amazing this mystery person was and how good of a cook they were.

After a bit of walking, they arrived at a cute cottage surrounded by gardens and fruit trees. Tommy ran up to the door and pounded on it and waited as the others walked up behind Tommy.

"Tommy it's rude to knock on the door like that" Philza scolded the boy, causing the boy to utter a quiet 'sorry'.

"It's quite alright, Tommy causes no trouble by doing so" A voice said, grabbing the attention of the four. 

They looked at the door to find it open and someone standing there while a kind smile on their face. They waved at Tommy, who jumped and hugged their waist as they pat his hair and invited the others in.

"Dad, Wilbur, Techno, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), my Dad, Brother, and other Brother" Tommy said while holding (Y/N)'s hand and pointing to his family. (Y/N) smiled and waved at the three before scolding Tommy for pointing, saying it 'was rude to point at people'.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tommy tells about you a lot" Phil said while shaking their hand, they in return shook his hand and said the same.

(Y/N) Showed the three to the table while Tommy sat on the ground playing around with the fluffy cat that sat on his lap. They helped Wilbur and Philza set the table while Techno looked around.

Techno liked the place. It was far away from civilization and very calm. The greenery all around the house was a nice touch. But his favorite part was a huge painting above the furnace that showed an illustration of a war happening. On both sides of the painting were two Netherite swords that seemed to be enchanted. 

"You like it?" They asked. Techno jumped slightly while turning to see (Y/N) standing next to him. He nodded while looking back at it in admiration.

"My Grandfather painted it a bit before he passed, He was a part of it y'know. If you're interested I could tell you some of his stories about it" They said before turning back to the kitchen. Techno watched them leave before looking back at the painting with a sparkle in his eyes.

"C'mon kids! Dinner" Phil said while taking a seat. The rest sat down around the round circle table. They all thanked Phil for the food and began eating. While eating they all talked about stuff, getting to know (Y/N) better and letting them learn more about themselves.

After dinner Tommy ran to the kitchen and paused in front of the kitchen door. "HEY (Y/N), CAN I HAVE SOME ICE CREAM?" he yelled while looking back at them. They gave him a quiet 'sure' while picking up the dishes and walking them over to the sink. Tommy ran over to the small freezer and pulled out a container of homemade Ice cream and a couple of spoons before running over to the couch where Techno and Wilbur sat and handed them spoons.

"(Y/N) makes the best Ice cream" He said while letting the Twins get a spoonful before digging in himself. The Twins ate their spoonful before agreeing with Tommy that it was better than any store-bought Ice cream and eating some more.

"Thank you for taking care of Tommy" Philza said while washing dishes with (Y/N). "I know he's a difficult kid to take care of, and ever since he met you he's been eating more" he smiled while looking out the window in front of the sink. 

(Y/N) dried the dishes with a rag while smiling "He was a bit to handle, but after a while he opened up to me. Though I can't really answer why he's been eating more, I just gave him a snack or two when he comes over" They chuckled while putting the plates away and putting the food containers back in the bag Will carried over.

Philza nodded and looked down as the fluffy cat leaned against his leg, trying to get some attention from him. He turned off the sink and dried his hands before leaning down and petting the fluffy calico. 

After a bit more while of talking the four get up to leave back home. They walk onto the porch and Thank (Y/N) for letting them stay. Tommy gives (Y/N) a tight hug and runs off back home while Wilbur and Philza wave and start following Tommy. Techno stays behind a bit and plays with his hands nervously. 

"Hey so- I was wondering if I could come over tomorrow and you could maybe like- oh I don't know... Tell me about your Grandfathers war stories?" He asked nervously while messing around with the various gold rings that sat on his fingers. 

(Y/N) giggles before patting his shoulder and nodding "I'd love to, come over whenever you'd like. You and your family are always welcome" They smiled before pushing Techno off the porch to catch up with his family.

After the family was out of sight they closed the door and sat on the couch with the calico, petting it as they smiled. Their life was about to get more interesting.

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