Chapter 1

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Third Person's Pov


The alarm clock was thrown straight on the room's door breaking it off in pieces as it had been ringing for the past ten minutes.

The room's door opened as the house cleaner came in and sighed while looking at the broken alarm clock as she turned to look at the person sleeping peacefully on the bed wrapped up in blanket.

"This is fifth one in this month" She said and Arshita groaned while removing the blanket from her face just to say, "Then keep the sixth one ready!"

"You dad has called for almost fifty times to check if you got up or not, it's only the second week of the college! He had said" The house cleaner said to her and she once again removed the blanket from her face while sighing as she said, "Let's wait for the call no.51"

Arshita was going to pull the blanket up once again when her phone rang and she looked at it to find the caller ID 'Smartass'

She stared at it for a moment and then finally picked up as she sat up on her bed yawning while the voice came from the other side, "I don't wait for anybody but —" he was saying when she interrupted him in middle saying, "But you only wait for me, that's why you're my favourite"

"There you go again Arshu, just hurry up or I'm gonna leave without you. Even Harry wasn't late today" Manish said shaking his head as he was waiting in the car outside her house as they had decided to go together today.

"Yeah yeah I know I'm great" Hardik shouted from behind and Arshita laughed while sating, "Fine fine! Just five minutes"

"Such a liar! I know what these five minutes means, just hurry up dumbo" Manish said and Arshita nodded her head while he again said, "Stop nodding your head and leave your bed already"

"Is this some kind of telepathy?" Arshita asked and he sighed when suddenly Hardik shouted from behind, "Just come out right now or we're going to take just in your night dress! I didn't even had breakfast because we had to pick you up"

"Okay okay no need to get angry" Arshita said making a face as she ended the call and immediately went to get ready.

She finally came out of the house after almost twenty minutes of getting ready while Manish and Hardik gave her most deadliest glare as she silently slid inside the car on the backseat not even looking at them because she knew they were going to shout again! So better be shut up!

"I myself will bring you lunch as soon as we reach Harry. Promise" Arshita said as he had turned back to say something but she spoke first and he nodded his head laughing while Manish started driving .

They reached the college and Manish parked the car on his usual spot just when another car was parked beside them.

"Woww what a timing, we're soulmates man" Ishan said getting out of the driving seat as Rishabh and Tanya also came out after him and they chuckled.

"So we're all again getting Mr.loudspeakers weird looks for being late!" Rishabh said and they all nodded as they started walking inside the college when Tanya said, "Guys aren't we too slow for the ones who are late for the class?"

"Good point" Manish said as the six of them started running through the corridors because they were late even after the endless warning of their favourite teacher! Note the sarcasm!!

Just before they could enter the classroom Arshita and Ishan who were running ahead of everyone bumped in a group of students who were going towards the same class.

"Damn It! You guys are lucky that we're late" Ishan said giving the six of them a look as he had bumped into a girl and but luckily no harm done.

"What the hell?" That girl said whom he had bumped into but was ignored as they all ran inside the classroom and Mr. Khurana (the loudspeaker according to them) turned giving out an angry glare to the six of them.

Just Enemies 💘 (Completed) ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora