Chapter 22

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Arshita's Pov

It had been two weeks since we had came back from our trip, and I can't deny the fact that I had been finding one or the other ways to meet Shubman always! We would just sometimes sneak out which the recess time or sometimes just bunk some classes after much persuasions because Shubman isn't someone who would skip classes just like that.

Our groups also many times gave us some suspicious looks to some questions we had now gotten habitual of making these excuses. Manish would be the most curious one every time I would disappear to meet Shubman and it was actually pretty hard to make excuses in front of him sometimes, he knows me too well.

But the thing that I was actually glad about was the our groups were eventually coming closer to each other day by day as sometimes we even used to eat together in the cafeteria, but Manish and Shubman would sometimes become too obvious for their hatred for each other. I don't know what's wrong with them.

Anyways it was finally the day for the football match between the The Nobles and The Royals, who are our long time rivals!

The boys had been practicing really hard all this while and I just hope that we win the game today and so that Kiaan gets this defeat in his face to teach him a lesson for all that mess he had created on our trip.

I was walking through the corridors while the whole college was up roaring with the chatters and excitement of the game which was about to start just in half an hour. I slowly walked towards the changing room where all the boys were present as I had already texted Shubman to come out, as we hadn't been able to meet since yesterday because of his practice.

I reached the entrance of the changing room but before anyone could see me I saw Shubman coming towards the door and so I immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him to the corner of the corridor where no one was present at the time.

"What are you doing? Do you want to get punishment even today for going into boys changing room?" Shubman asked me slowly and I smile cheekily saying, "That's why I pulled you out of there, so that I didn't had to go in! Don't you miss me?"

"Do you even need to ask that, my day feels incomplete without meeting you" Shubman said placing his hands on my waist and I smiled while my hands went upto the back of his neck as I said, "There you go, I like you this way and not the serious, rule adamant, studious Shub"

"Liar! That's the personality you actually fell for! Because you saw my romantic side after becoming my girlfriend" Shubman said pushing a strand back from my face and I smirked saying, "Someone's getting smarter"

"I was always smart!" Shubman said and I laughed slightly as I spoke up, "Btw the reason I wanted to meet you was to wish you luck, it's your first match in the college and I really hope you play amazing today"

"I won't disappoint you" Shubman said and I smiled widely as I took his hand and pulled out a bracelet from my pocket that I had bought for him, I tied it on his hand saying, "This who'll be your lucky charm!"

"Really I thought my lucky charm would be sitting in the stands cheering for me" Shubman said smiling and I grinned looking at him as his smile was one of the best things in the world, it's just so genuine and perfect with those dimples!!

"Yeah well that too, I guess then now you have two lucky charms" I said and he nodded his head saying, "Yupp, this is beautiful thank you!"

"All the best Shub! Bye now" I said as I turned to leave hurriedly so that no one catches us for being gone for too long but Shubman held my arm as he pulled me pushing me towards the wall as he kissed me and my eyes widened but soon I kissed him back. He pulled back after a moment and I looked at him still shocked as I said, "We're still in college"

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