Chapter 27

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Manish's pov

I wasn't sure when it happened, or even when it started. All I knew for sure was that right here and now. I was into a deep feeling of love for my best friend, and all I could hope was for that she felt the same!

I don't even know when I'd come to realise that I was in love with Arshita. It was like one day I just knew that she was someone without whom I can't imagine my life further. Whenever I would look into my future, I'd always wanted her to be by my side as she's always been for all these years!

Arshita and I had met for the first time in fifth standard as we both were standing in front of our teacher with our heads down because it was our report card day and Arshita was trying to teach me how to make a paper airplane out of our marksheets just because I was upset after getting a listening from mom because of my marks. She'd made me smile endlessly but then we'd ended up getting scolded even more. But that was the day when I'd found my best friend. We were literally inseparable after that day.

"You know I'm really tired after cleaning the backyards today, right?" Arshita suddenly spoke up breaking the chain of my thoughts as I was driving the car, I took a quick look at her while smiling as I said, "Your tiredness will fly away once we reach our destination"

"Well then at least tell me about it, so I can be a bit enthusiastic" Arshita said giving me a look and I chuckled as I replied while shaking my head, "Sorry, not possible"

Arshita just sighed while resting her head on back rest and I smiled as I kept driving, after fifteen minutes I finally stopped the car as we had arrived on our destination and I looked to my left to see that Arshita was almost on the verge of sleeping.

"Knock knock" I said patting on her head and she immediately opened her eyes asking sleepily, "Who's there?"

"School!" I said and she gave me a confused look so I just chuckled while getting out of the car, I came to her her side and opened the door for her while she was busy yawning, I gave her a look as I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the car, Arshita looked at me with her heavy eyelids which were almost closing and I turned her around holding her by shoulders.

The moment she looked at the sight in front of her, all the tiredness and sleepiness flew away from her eyes and she smiled widely ear to ear as if she had won a lottery.

"Our school?" She asked turning back towards me and I smiled while nodding my head as we were standing in front of our old school where we had met for the first time and had stayed together forever until we had to go for college.

"How do you like the surprise? Isn't it been so long since we came here last time?" I asked her and Arshita nodded her head happily wiping her fake tears while saying, "Exactly it's been so many years! Oh my god I'm almost teary. This feels so emotional"

"Ayee drama, shut up! You and emotional?" I said nudging her shoulder slowly and she chuckled while looking back at the school, "No but seriously, this place brings back so many memories" Arshita said and I nodded my head because those memories are the best part of my life. I remember each and every one of them clearly in my head, every joy, every punishment, every conversation, every bad day or good day, just everything, this is the place where it all had started.

"Come with me!" I said grinning as I grabbed her hand and started walking inside the school, it was almost past seven in the evening so the school was empty and it looked so different than that filled with all the chatters and noises! It was soothing.

"Btw why are we suddenly here today? Is it something special?" Arshita asked me as we were walking around the schools playground and I shooked my head saying, "Nope, I just wanted to have some time with you, in a place that's special for both of us"

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