Bagley: "Brilliant. Asking the computer about feelings. This explains so much."

Sabine: "Shut it you 2 and get to work."

Dalton scoffs and chuckles. He also smirks too.

Dalton: "There she is."

Then he gets to it. Down the tunnel he sees a person, definitely not an employee or security guard, he's all dressed in black, he's walking around a room. Dalton sneaks up and knocks them out with some smooth punches.

Dalton: "That hurt you more than it hurt me."

He uses his new hacking skills to unlock a door and walk through it and walks down a small hallway.

Sabine: "Do us a favour and keep it quiet, Dalton."

Dalton: "If they don't shoot me, I won't shoot them. How's that?"

He enters a boiler room and he gets down the platform onto another platform and he sees another person dressed in black and with a balaclava on his head in another room. He then gets down and knocks them out for good before proceeding. He crouches down to lower the sounds of his footsteps, then he notices lots of DedSec graffiti down there, most likely was placed down there by the men in black.

Dalton: "They've got lots of DedSec gear down here. And why do you suppose that is?"

Sabine: "What? How did they get their hands on it?"

Dalton: "I don't know. But someone wants to make it look like DedSec was here."

Sabine: "Shit. You need to proceed with extreme caution, Dalton."

He walks up the stairs and unlocks a door with his hacking skills on his phone and walks down another hallway.

Dalton: "Who are these men in black anyway?"

Bagley: "Nothing identifying. I suspect that's by design."

He continues to walk down the tunnel and he enters a room which is the underground part of the Houses of Parliament. There, he sees large canister's of bombs tied to pillars supporting the building. There are also 2 men in black in the room. But, they are knocked out quickly by Dalton.

Dalton: "Oh f*ck me... The entire place is rigged to blow!"

Sabine: "J*sus... Those canisters. Bagley, is that-

(I had to censor Jesus because in Christianity it's a sin to say the Lord's name in vein)

Bagley: "RDX Nitrogen. Enough to level parliament."

Sabine: "Can you locate a detonator, Bagley?"

Bagley: "Not exactly, but there's a device streaming a f*ck load of encrypted data from the floor above you."

He walks into another tunnel and he then speaks to Sabine again.

Dalton: "They've staged DedSec propaganda all around the bombs. These pr*cks are gonna blow up parliament and hang it on us!"

Sabine: "Not if you get to that detonator first."

He resumes moving through he tunnel and kicks open a door and climbs a ladder in the room which takes him inside the House of Parliament. He enters a room and sees a briefcase sitting on a table.

Dalton: "Right in the House of Commons. Whoever these men in black are, they've got brass bollocks to set up in the centre of government."

He walks towards the briefcase which is revealed to be the Detonator itself disguised as a briefcase.

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