"What's stupid is that you actually think I would ignore a clue like this. He's my family and I will do whatever it takes to get to him first," I say, my voice emotionless. "Now let go of me." 

"No," he snaps, "not until you think this through," he says. 

"Malfoy," I warn.

"Ashwood," he mimics. 

"I mean it! Let go!" I say with more intensity. 


"Let go!" 

"I told you-" 

"DRACO MALFOY LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW!" I shout.  He looks at me with wide eyes but it only takes a second to realize he's not looking at me at all, he's looking behind me. I hear somebody clear their throat from behind me and I slowly strain my neck to see whose behind us. 

Ron and Harry stand directly behind me in the hallway, watching the two of us with looks of pure amusement on both of their faces. 

"We're not interrupting something, are we?" Harry muses. 

"No!" I blurt out. "Not at all," I blush furiously before I use all my strength to rip my arm from Malfoy's grasp. I pull away but not before I elbow him right in the ribs, like the child that I am. His reaction is priceless and I can't help the wild smirk on my face. 

"Next time let go when I tell you to," I sass. "You're dead, Ashwood," He snarls as he looks absolutely furious and in two seconds, even less, he's taken hold of both of my wrists, and pinned me to the other side of the narrow hallway. My proud smirk doesn't falter in the slightest as I hit the wall and stare endlessly into his gray orbs, filled with fire and rage. I wasn't aware I could make Malfoy this angry, and I love it. 

"Uh seriously - We can come back later," Ron says. I tear my gaze from Malfoy, and back to the two boys looking at us in complete shock. "No! Stay! Please!" I say before turning back to Malfoy. 

"Let go of me, we can finish this later," I mutter in a low voice. 

He looks about two seconds away from killing me but his hold on me relaxes, and he pulls away, moving as far away from me as he possibly can. I turn back to the two boys. "I'm sorry," is all I mutter as I look to the ground. 

Harry laughs nervously, "No worries, we just came to see if you two made it back alright," He says. 

"Yeah we're all good," I smile. Good timing guys, I think to myself. 

"Are you going somewhere else?" Ron asks, eyeing the shoes on my feet. 

"Oh! Yes!" I pause, "I um - I think I know somewhere else we can check," I mutter. "For your father?" Harry questions. I nod my head. "Yeah, that's actually why we were arguing," I say, throwing Malfoy a dirty sideways glance. He happily returns it, as he continues to keep his distance, leaning against the wall with both arms crossed against his chest. 

"I had a vision, and I saw a place, and I think we should go," I say. 

"That's right! McGonagall told us you're a seer! That's bloody wicked," Ron smirks. I smile brightly. "Thank you," I say. "How close is the place?" Harry cuts in. "Not too far," I shrug. "Perfect, let's go then," Harry says. 

I look at him with wide eyes. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah, why not?" He says casually. "Well, Malfoy thinks it's a stupid idea," I frown. We all turn to him. He rolls his eyes. "Great. Just great. I'm in another country with the three people that probably hate me the most," he groans. 

"That tends to happen when you're an asshole," I retort. "Now are you coming or what?" I add. He looks at me like it takes every ounce of energy not to strangle me. But he slowly takes a deep breath, as he closes his eyes, and then says, "Let me grab my jacket," before turning back into our room. 

THE VISION THIEF - D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now