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I couldn't comprehend what my younger brother was saying. 

They were here for you.

What was that supposed to mean? Was this just some kind of sick joke? 

"Andy, please, tell me exactly what happened here," I put both hands on his shoulders. "Do you know where Mum and Dad are?"

"I saw them," Andy said with a distant look in his eyes. "They had sharp teeth, and their eyes were yellow, like that of a dragon's. They put me in there, in the wall. And then they took Mum and Dad," he murmured. "They hid Mum and Dad somewhere in this house too. I don't know where they are."

Sharp teeth? Eyes like a dragon's? And they hid Mum and Dad?

Was Andy playing around with me? How could this be?

"The stories," Andy said in monotone. "Everything they said about creatures roaming the night...The stories are real. They are real."

I turned to Damon-he had a very shocked expression on his face. Did he know something too?

"We have to find Mum and Dad," I said, stepping over splinters of wood on the floor. "They must be around here somewhere."

"We can't leave," Andy whispered suddenly. "They won't let us."

"What?" I raised my voice. "Look, Andy. Mum and Dad might be in trouble now, and no matter what happens, we have to find them."

"I want to help you, but I can't," Andy shook his head solemnly. "They won't let me help you."

Every single word that Andy was saying began to freak me out. He didn't sound like himself at all. 

"They were here for you, Hale. They want you, not us."

"He's seriously creeping me out," Damon said to me. "I wouldn't listen to him, if I were you."

"I'm trying," I said. "Something's wrong here, Damon."

"I can see that," he nodded. "The moment I stepped into your house, I knew something had happened. Someone or something managed to get into your house, and wrecked the entire place. And probably frightened the wits out of your brother."

"And probably took my parents with them," I said, heading for the door.

"No, Hale. Wait till sunrise," I heard Andy behind me. 

No. I had to find Mum and Dad. 

"Hale, please. It's not safe," Andy said again. I could hear the nervousness in his voice- he sounded as if he was begging.

I pretended not to hear. All I wanted was to make sure my parents were safe. 

That was all that mattered.

Taking in a deep breath, I placed my hand on the cold, brass doorknob, and turned it. 

The door swung open with a loud creak. 

And a pair of golden-yellow eyes stared back at me.

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