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"Get inside!" Dad was the first to react. He ushered my mother and Andy into the bedroom. "Haley! Ezra!"

I stood there, unmoving. Why was I acting like this? Why was I doing something I didn't want to do? Why couldn't I move?

"Haley! What the hell!" Ezra yelled at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

Again, I didn't answer. I stared blankly at the threshold, although I knew something was going to come through there any moment.


You've made me mad...

I could hear claws dragging on the floor, coming towards my direction. There was definitely more than one reaper-the hissing sounds multiplied by the second.

Do you know the reason we came?

My whole body was tremoring, but my feet remained glued to the ground.

We came for you, Haley...

We know you're not just one of those townspeople...

You are special to a member of the Kane family...

What was it talking about? Could a creature like that even think like a human being?

That young Kane boy beside you...

He has a liking towards you...

And that has made you our prime target...

Once we make you our leverage, the Kanes will have no choice but to leave...

And then this town will be ours again...

Ezra. They were talking about Ezra.

"No," I whispered. "Please don't do this."

There's no one else to blame besides the Kanes...

If you come with us, we will spare your family's lives...

So be a good girl, and come with us...

"Please," I begged. "Please, don't."

And as I watched, something began to materialize in the doorway. It was as if the darkness itself had shifted into a figure.

We won't harm you, just come with us...

A gaunt arm reached out from the dark, swirling figure, six razor-sharp claws pointing right at me.

 Come now...

It turned its wrist so that its scaly palm was facing upwards. Its claws curled, leaving the index one in a beckoning pose.

Yellow eyes emerged, followed by two rows of deadly teeth. It was grinning sinisterly, probably enjoying itself from my dilemma.

 You can't choose, Haley...

There is only one option...

Come with us, or your family dies...

"No," I blinked, trying to make the reaper go away, but it only began to edge closer towards me.

"Haley! Get away from there!" Ezra cried. 

But it was already too late.

The reaper stepped right before me, towering above me as it stood on its back legs. It was barely an inch away-I could smell its horrid breath from where I stood. It reeked of death.

 Good girl...

The reaper's lips didn't even move as it said those words.

Now that's a good girl...

There was a searing pain at the back of my head, and then everything turned pitch black.

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