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The man's head was twisted at an awkward angle, as if his neck had been snapped. His tongue lolled out, and the scariest thing was that his glassy eyes were still wide open.

I choked on a scream.

What in the world was a corpse doing in the closet?

"Haley!" Andy called again. I suddenly realized I had been staring at the dead man. How the hell was I still conscious?

"Where are you?" My voice was shaky. "Andy!"

"Behind the closet!" Andy replied. Behind the closet?

I studied the inside of the closet, pushing my parents' clothes to the side. And then I saw it- a latch with a lock attached to it. And I needed to have a key to open it.

The closet was leaning against the wall, so that meant that my family was trapped inside the wall. Did someone, or something lock them in there?

There was no time to look for the key- I had to break the lock.

"Hurry! It's so dark in here!" Andy whined.

"I don't have the key!" I nearly screamed. My eyes were brimming with tears.

"Here, let me," a very familiar voice from the threshold made me jump out of my skin. I turned, and there he was. The man who had saved my life in the alley not long ago.

Before I could even react, he walked towards the closet. With two forceful blows of the golf club he was wielding, the lock broke into half.

I unlatched the door with trembling hands, and let out a sigh of relief when I saw Andy. He was sitting down, hugging his knees to his chest. He squinted at me as I reached a hand down towards him.

"Thank God," was all I said as I helped Andy out of the hole in the wall. It could barely fit him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Andy said in a hoarse voice. "Who is he?" He pointed at the stranger, who was busy covering up the corpse with a black cloth.

"A friend," the stranger replied, dusting his hands as he stood up. "My name is Damon."


Somehow the way he said his name made him unbelievably attractive.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" I asked Andy. He wiped a grubby hand across his face, and then shook his head.

"I don't know where they are."

"What do you mean? You were with them! And I heard them calling for me."

Andy didn't reply. He just stood there, unmoving, staring blankly at me.

"Andy, what happened here?" I asked after a while.

It wasn't until many minutes later then he spoke. "It was them," Andy said glumly. "They were here."

"Who?" Damon raised a brow at me.

"Who was here, Andy?" I repeated.

"Them. The creatures of the night," he told me. My hair stood on end.

What was Andy saying?

"They were here, Hale," Andy's lingering gaze never left my face.

"They were here for you."

SOMETHING ROAMS THE NIGHT...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora