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The chilling hiss that followed Andy's scream sent a wave of shudders down my spine. I already knew why Andy was screaming. 


We are here...

Why won't you invite us in...

There was a knock at the front door, like someone expecting to be welcomed in. We all froze, and all of a sudden Andy came running into the kitchen, his face pale, sweat and tears running down his red cheeks. 

"They...they found us," he stuttered. "They found us..."

Oh Haley...

Open the door and let us in...

It was the same voice that had tortured me from start. The same, disgustingly eerie voice I had heard in my dreams.

"Haley," Ezra was beside me, his arm just touching mine. "Do you...hear them?"

I didn't say anything, but I gave him a brief nod. 

"What are they saying?" Ezra's words were beginning to fade away. All I could hear was the reaper, talking to me as if it was right next to me.


Let us in...

A loud screech, like fingernails dragging over a chalkboard, nearly deafened me. Another knock, louder this time, sounded from the hallway. 

We're asking politely, Haley...

Be a good girl, will you?

Come over here, and let us in...

Be the good girl you are...

"We're gonna die, aren't we?" Andy looked so terrified, his face was white. I didn't blame him-I was sure I was a lot more frightened than he was.

"Hale," Ezra gripped my arm. "Don't listen to them."

Don't be a fool, Haley...

They will all die if you don't let us in...

Just come over here, and no one gets hurt...

"Honey, what do you hear?" my mother asked me. I didn't answer-it was like I was being hypnotized.

"Hale?" Dad sounded very far away. 

"Haley, please. Don't listen to them," Ezra's grip on my arm tightened. It hurt, but I didn't cry out.


One last chance...

Three seconds, Haley...

If you don't open this door in three seconds, we'll come in ourselves...

I swallowed hard, my heart pounding faster than ever.

What if they only wanted to talk? What if they didn't want to harm any of us? What if everyone died if I didn't let them in? What if opening the door could save everyone of us?


The reaper began to count. There was a loud screech as it scratched the number one onto the wood.


It drew the number two with its claw, and I covered my ears with my palms. 

I had to do something, anything. If they got in...


The door flew open in that instant, sending pieces of splintered wood everywhere.

And then there was the voice, echoing from the hallway, echoing through my mind.

We warned you, Haley...

We warned you...

SOMETHING ROAMS THE NIGHT...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin