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I was falling endlessly. I screamed at the top of my lungs, my arms flailing. It was like falling through a black hole. Falling through time, unable to stop.

Dust billowed in the air when I landed on hard ground. I expected instant death, or at least pain. But there wasn't any, not even a single broken limb. I got up, the smell of dirt and grass wafting into my nostrils. 

Where the hell was I?

"Hello?" I called, although I definitely wasn't expecting someone to appear out of the dark and answer me. 

It was night, and I had no idea where I was. Then I remembered my phone had a flashlight.

I beamed the blinding white light around me. I was in some hole in the ground, like...a grave. My heart jumped against my ribs. What was I doing in a grave?

"Haley," someone said, and I flashed the light to the speaker. 

There he was in his crimson shirt, blood still dripping from the gaping wound, his expression ominous. I had nowhere to run-the only way was up, but to do that I needed a ladder.

"You can't run," Damon smiled. "You know, I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time."

What was he talking about? What moment?

"I've always wanted to talk to you in peace, face-to-face," he replied my thoughts. "It was harder before, because you kept shutting me out. But now that you've let the darkness into your mind, I'm able to be in control."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I sputtered.

"You killed someone," Damon said. "That darkens your heart, your soul. Which means I can feed on that darkness, and grow stronger."

I shook my head, not wanting to believe what he was saying. I didn't want to believe he was standing right before me, that he was talking to me.

"So, for your next victim..."

"Why in hell do you think I'd help you?" I shouted, trying to hide my fear.

"Oh, you have no choice but to do as I say, Haley. I'm the one who's in control. You could kill someone while you're asleep."

"You piece of-"

"No need to be rude, Haley," he said simply. "Look, if you tolerate with me, you'll get what you want along the way."

"I'd rather die," I spat.

"You can't die, Haley. Well, not until I decide to take over your body, in that case," he rubbed his hands together. "I'm the parasite, and you're the host."

"I would never let you take over my body. I'd rather kill myself."

"Again, that can't be prevented, aye?" he started to circle me. "See, Haley...You're the one who's made things easier for me. Your darkness keeps me alive, while your fear of me drives you crazy."

"I'm not afraid," my voice cracked, giving it all away. 

"If you say so," Damon cackled. "If you say so, Haley."

"What the hell am I doing here? How did I get here?"

"This was never real, Haley. It's all in your head..."

I jolted awake, my eyes snapping open. A man peered down at me, a syringe in his hand. He looked like a professor, a scientist of some sort.

"Wh-where am I?" I uttered throatily. 

The man blinked at me through his hyper-thick glasses, studying me as though I was something alien.

"You don't know?" he asked in a hushed tone. Why did he sound so freakish?

Then he bent down towards me, and rasped into my ear the words that startled me to the core.

"You're in an asylum."

SOMETHING ROAMS THE NIGHT...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant