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¿Chapter 19?

6:27 pm November 2nd, 2014

   Ashanti lay on her bed, flipping through channels with hopes of finding something interesting. She heard knocking, but simply played it off as a cat on the roof as she chose to watch BET. She heard the knocking again, and sighed as she got up to go downstairs to answer the door.

She really wondered who it could be as Ronella always calls to say she's coming over, Melania only comes with Ronella and she hasn't seen Afonzo in a couple of days...

She answered to door, only to see Afonzo running a hand through his greasy hair.  She was gonna slam the door in his face but he made himself at home.
"What's with that look?" He said as he closed the door behind him, completely oblivious to what's going on.

She turned her back to him childishly, "Oh, so you gon' play like you ain't hit and run?"
"Didn't know you felt thay way, but I was out.."
"Out where?"
"Out of town. Yo, Is kinda hard to have a conversation with you when you're not looking at me."
"Out of town for what?"
"For this." He lay something around her neck, it was a goold neckace with a pendant that said 'Afonzo's Girl'.
"Wow, this is really pretty," She turned around to face him, "Sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusion.."
"But you could have at least called.."
"I really wanted to, I was scraping up whatever I could so I could get it."
"Well I appreciate what you've done to get me this. Thank you." She engulfed him in a hug, even though she was shorter than him by a couple of inches.


7:45pm that same night..

    Ronella was at home, sorting her salary according to a pie chart she came up with. She uses 15% of her salary to send to her family back in Trinidad. When she's off, she'd send it through Moneygram.

In the middle of her financial decision, her phone rang.
"Hey Ronella, wassup? It's me, José."
"You's the guy from the grocery store? Wow, nearly forgot you existed.."
"Ouch.. damn I got feelings, you know?"
"I got time, not enough to waste. Why did it take so long to call? Or am I a second option?"
"I'm a busy dude, just like you, I gots time."
"Busy what? Selling crack or impregnating school girls?"
"School girls–? Where all that came from?"
"Thing is, if you're wasting my time just say so. I got a family to take care of a long with other stuff.."
"I do too, a sick grandma."
"At least we're on the same page."
"Thank God."
"I wish we could have conversations like this in person though.."
"Free Sunday?"
"Yeah, the afternoon seems to be a nice time."
"Good, see you then.."


9:23pm, that same night..

    Melania was sprawled out on the couch, watching Bollywood drama. She found it funny how overdramatic the slaps were, one slap and the reciever screams, tumbling over furniture and stuff. Then the family all have shocked looks on their faces, then they add a cliffhanger.

Her phone began ringing, she muted the television before answering it. It was her mother.
"Hi sweetie! How's your job? Sorry we couldn't have called sooner.."
"Hey mom, uh.. It's fine, I made friends."
"That's good. How's the town? The neighbourhood?"
"It's all good, there is a,bit of crime but I respect curfew.."
"Good, have you talked to your cousin Sonia?"
"Not since she got married, no. But I'll try to get onto her." She replied. "Where's dad?"
"Oh, he recently flew out. You know how business goes.."
"Gosh, why am I not surprised.." Melania mumbled.
"I heard that, Melania. Respect your father. He may not have been around as often as you needed when you were younger but he was still a breadwinner."
Melania always wants to hang up the phone when her mother starts to spew this nonsense into her ears. She knew he was almost never around, she knew their marriage is rocky yet still, she sits here, defending him.
"I understand. Anyway, I got errands to make, tell dad I called." She hung up before her mother could answer, threw her phone over to the other chair and continued to watch her Indian Soaps

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