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¿Chapter 29?

At around 10:00am that same day..

   They stopped off at the police station. Enrique was dragged out of the car even though he wasn't putting up a fight.
"Hey! What is this? He's complying, I see no reason at all to handle him like this!" She argued but they held her back.
"Please calm down, ma'am." The officer next to her said as he escorted her into the station.

They sat her in a silver room all by herself for several minutes, cameras in every corner and a glass display which they observe her from. She felt like an animal in a cage. No one was in the room but yet she felt like all eyes were on her.
She hasn't seen Enrique since she came into the police station and she hoped he was doing alright.
Then the door opened suddenly, revealing a white man with dark hair. "Good day, Miss Saunders. I'm Detective Chase." He introduced himself.

Melania didn't respond.

"I'm sure it pisses you off, right?" The detective started, "Lying up in bed, cuddling your bae and the police knock on your apartment door at such an early hour. A shame, ain't it?" He came closer and placed his hands on the table and looked over to her.

Melania uttered not a single word, she just stared the detective dead in the face.

"Did you know about his criminal history?" He asked, hoping for an answer before he loses his cool on such an attractive and seemingly educated young woman like her.
Yet again, silence from Melania's end.

He sighed and shook his head. "I'd figured you'd do this. So I came prepared." He stood up straight, fixed his coat and snapped his fingers. 
"Bring him in."
Her eyes widen as she sat up straight on the iron chair. Her head shooting towards the direction of the door.

And from the door appeared Enrique with two guards behind him.
"Enrique!" She stood up and the officer next to her made her sit back down.
"Give them five minutes." Said the detective as he left them alone in the room with three officers there just in case they try anything.
"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Answer me.." She reached her hands out and grabs his as soon as he sat down. It was cold, like there wasn't any blood in it.
"That's not allowed ma'am." One of the officers said.
"Sorry." Reluctantly, she let him go.
"Why'd you call them?" She asked him.

"Answer me, Enrique." She demanded, fighting back her tears.
He finally made eye contact with her, she felt slightly relieved by that.
"Just do as they say and answer their questions. I already told them you had nothing to do with it? Okay?" He gave her a reassuring smile before losing contact with her again.

He was so close, yet it was so hard to reach him.

"You didn't answer-"
"Time's up! Take him out, boys." The detective  said. They grabbed him out of his seat and shoved him out the door.

"Now Miss Saunders," He addressed her. "you need to comply. You refusing to do so is hurting him more than you know."
"You're  not allowed to do that!" She snapped.
"I am allowed to do anything it takes to get a confession out of you or him. He already said you're  innocently involved so nothing will happen to you, at least not yet. But him on the other hand.."
"Don't hurt him!"
"Are you ready to comply?"
She hung her head down in defeat. "..Yes."


"Have you talked to Melania lately?" Ashanti asked.
"No. I ain't seen Georgia either."
"Strange. I called both their phones last night and guess what? No reply."
"Funny. Something going on. I ain't heard from José either. Dog."
"Afonso too, just another hit and run..." She sighed.

"Girls, you might wanna check the news.." a cleaner grumbled as she mopped by.

"Breaking news! The wanted criminal Enrique had himself turned in during the early hours of this morning. He was also found with an accomplice."
Right next to Enrique's mugshot was a picture of Melania.

Ashanti's heart sank to her stomach.
"What?!" Ronella got up. "We gotta go, now!"  She grabbed her bag and rushed out the hospital's entrance with Ashanti not too far behind her.

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