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¿Chapter 7?

"Mr. Dos Santos, you're officially discharged. But you will need to check in at least every two three weeks so we can check on your progress." A nurse informed him holding out her check board, "Please sign your John Hancock here."
"Yeah, yeah.." He said as he signed his name.
He left as she dismissed him, he glanced from side to side before walking down the street.
He put a cigarette between his lips and lit it with the lighter.

Not too far up ahead he saw a figure leaning up against a wall, taking a pull of a cigarette.
"Entonces dime, ¿qué es exactamente lo que le dijiste?"

(So tell me, what exactly is it you said to her?)

Enrique stepped out of the shadows.

"¿Eh? ¿De qué estás hablando, hombre?"

(Eh? What you talkin' 'bout, man?)

"Don't fuck with me, man." Enrique leaned off the wall and began to approach the man.

Miguel chuckled, "You know I was just telling her the truth. You know what Cain is capable of doing and he already knows. He's probably gathering information as we both speak, man. With what you did, He's gonna destroy everyone you know and love–"

A gunshot sounded off. Miguel looked at Enrique, then down to his hand that was over his stomach. He raised it and saw crimson. His eyesight slowly became blurry,
"She's gonna suffer. And it'll be your fault." He collapsed onto the cold concrete as his life left his body.
"Says the man that tried to rape her." Enrique pulled the cigarette from his lips and squatted down to Miguel who was sprawled on the now bloody pavement.

Enrique blew smoke from his lips, then smudged the ignited end of the cigarette on the dead man's eye. "Tell Lucifer I said what's up."


6:00am September 23, 2014

   Melania could have hardly slept that night, but at least she managed to get a little.
She went out to the living room and saw Enrique sitting there.
"I swear I closed the--"
"I know. You did, I just opened it myself."
"So.. What were you doing last night?"
He pointed over to the TV, the man's face was on the news.

"Patient of Saint Theresa Public Hospital, Miguel Dos Santos was discharged at around 9:00pm last night when his body was found three blocks away from the Hospital with a gunshot wound to his abdomen.
Persons have identified him to be a member of the notorious gang White Menace."

"You killed him?"
"Wouldn't that make the gang members suspicious?"
"They already know that I'm here, so why not make it official?"
"Okay then."


    Melania was on lunch break with a few others, keeping up a good conversation as they ate.

"Heard about this club called Dinero Joven, people say it's lit! They open every Saturday night." Ashanti said.

"My friend knows the club owners, I can get our names on the list. All I gotta know is who's going." Georgia said.
"I'm in!" Said Ashanti.
"Yuh done know!" Ronella said, flipping her box braids.
"Melania, what about you?"

"Me? Well, I don't really do clubs.." She scratched the back of her head nervously.
"Come on, sis, we'd stick together." Ashanti shook her shoulders pleadingly.
"And if you ain't get clothes we could go shopping." Ronella offered, wiggling her eyebrows.
Their endless pleading made her finally decide,
"Okay, okay.." She chuckled, raising her hands in defeat. "I'll think about it."

"You better."
"She best. Or else I go drag she outta she apartment." Ronella threatened.
"I'll think fast then." Melania chuckled.


    The car was filled with silence until Enrique spoke up.
"How's work?"
"Uh.. My friends want me to go with them to some club called Dinero Joven, I thought I should as your permission first."
"You didn't mention me to them, did you?"
"No, of course not. I just told them I'd think about it."
"Okay." The car fell into silence once again as they drove home.

Melania just dropped her purse on the island when she heard him say, "You're going."
"You heard me."
"But.. But won't some gang members be there? So won't I be more vulnerable?"
"Mel, I'm aware of that. You're young and deserve to have fun, I shouldn't take that away from you. Enjoy yourself, shake your ass on some strangers but don't give them your number, stick with your friends, know your limit and most importantly, try not to get kidnapped, or raped. And don't give your real name. Ever."
Melania sighed, at least he was considerate on letting her have some fun.
"Not like I could say no.."
"Good." The sound of a can cracking open filled the air as he walked out of the kitchen.

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