{33}Long Time Coming

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¿Chapter 33?
Long Time Coming

Dedicated to tondra96

[A/N:]Too lazy to write the court proceedings, so I'll summarise what happened😐😅😅


June 6th, 2015

The court proceedings were one of the hardest thing Melania had to endure in her life. The lawyers and Jury pointing fingers at her, fabricating false narratives and speaking as though they witnessed everything even though they weren't even there. She's never been so humiliated and misunderstood her entire life, it was draining.

Is this how Enrique felt?

They both shared the same case and were judged separately in the courtroom. She was judged first, being arrested for Harboring of a dangerous criminal. The judge said:

"Melania Saunders, I now judge you as guilty for harboring of a dangerous criminal. However, you will be placed on bail for five thousand dollars."

The money wasn't hard to get. She spent one night in jail while her friends withdrew the money and paid from their own pockets and Melania paid as soon as she got out.

As for Enrique, he didn't get it so easily. With all the evidence and also him pleading guilty, it would be hard for them to believe otherwise.

"And as for Enrique, you're guilty. No doubt. You get five years, no bail. This meeting is over."

She hasn't seen him since.

Her parents are spending town and they've done nothing but harass and ridicule her. You would expect that her parents would hold her and tell her that everything will be okay, but they didn't. Every day, every phone call and every visit, they've done nothing but rub the salt in her wounds.
It had been this way since she was little, they would shove her failures down her throat and when she got an achievement, they'd slap her in the face with the 'It's good, but you could do better.'

Mr. Joe retired after the trial was over, it was what's best for him. He loves the job but he just took everything as a sign to leave. He talked things over with Melania, she apologized a million times and he forgave her, saying:

"Man, it wasn't your fault, dear. You're like my daughter, I can never have any hate in my heart for you. As far as we're both concerned, you're as much of a victim than I was, child."

And as for Ratchet Starbucks Hoe, she was fired from her job and arrested for one year. Don't drop the soap! 😂😂😂😂

On Ronella's end, she has fully forgiven José and decided to start over with him all the way to the beginning. That was what they needed, and they are working well. They haven't moved in yet, they're taking things one step at a time and Melania is happy for them both. They need each other in these times.

Now Ashanti and Afonso, they had their troubles and it took weeks for them to get back to the way they once were. They moved in together and have been living good ever since. Just two weeks ago they had Melinda's funeral, the attendance was MASSIVE! Her true identity had not been revealed to her coworkers, only Ronella and Ashanti knows the full story and they plan to keep it that way.

As for Melania, she just has nothing but sleepless nights wondering if Enrique is okay. The judge did pull her aside and told her that she'd set her up with a public therapist free of charge. Maybe she'd take up the offer. She really needs to get these thoughts out and doesn't know who to turn to now.

Right now, she's happy for her friends but she needs to work on herself.

Her parents are the first thing she needs to cross out of the list, and out of her life as well.

VC:CW:HA (Interracial)🚬Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ