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¿Chapter 31?

Dedicated to TaurusGoddess26

5:23pm November 26th, 2014

    Melania's things were packed and sent off to a motel with the help of her friends since her apartment is now a search area for the police. It wasn't to bad of a motel, it was clean and she had enough space to move around. Only one thing will get on her nerves soon enough and it's the police officers that Detective Chase sent to guard. There was too much of them.Two of them in her room, one outside and three more downstairs viewing from the cameras planted in  the room.

It's not like she was gonna kill herself or that she has something to hide.

They all are now sitting on the bed with a half eaten box of of pepperoni olive pizza, Ronella and Ashanti had just found out the truth as to why everything was happening. And they weren't very happy.

"So.." Ashanti started,  "you've been held hostage in your own apartment for at least three months now and you've been suffering by yourself all this time?" Ashanti asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Melania, I'm so sorry. I would've never known."
"It's fine, I'm fine. Really.." Melania reassured. "And I'm glad it wasjust me, I would hate if your reputation gets tarnished like mine."

"Not to mention the fact that Afonso and José was in on this. Block them, I will too. Change yuh number, and stay as far away from them as you possibly could.. As a matter of fact.." Ronella pulled out her phone from her bag but Melania took it away from her.
"No, no. Don't do that. They're his friends. They aren't as involved as I am. If you want to, you can talk to them yourselves and get answers out of them. Do it so you can have closure."

Melania sensed, that things are going more downhill from here own out.. for all three of them.

Especially herself.

To be continued...

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