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     Just as planned, the get together was in session. The backyard was well-decorated, everyone was well dressed in white and waiting for the main event; the arrival of Enrique. The theme for the party was white, as white was seen as the colour of purity and rebirth. That was what they wanted it to be, saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new.
"Where are they?" Asked Ashanti.
"I'm literally sweating bro, it's been almost five years since we last saw him." Afonso said.
"Yeah bro like.. damn would we even be able to recognize him?" Josè joked.
"Is that a car I hear pulling up?"
"Omg they're here!!" Ashanti squealed.
"Yess!!" Ronella squealed with her.

"Hey guys! Sorry we're late. Bae overslept and it was hard to get him up." Melania appeared with Enrique behind her.
"Bro?? Is that you bro??"
"In the flesh bro!!" Enrique said has he approached his longtime bros and gave them the tightest hug. He turned back to Ronella and Ashanti, "Thanks for taking care of them." 
"Yeah, don't mention it."
"I does want to strangle him sometimes but yeah, no problem."
Enrique chuckled,"I know the feel."

"So how have you been Enrique?" Ronella asked.
"I've been great! Thank you for asking.. Just went to get a shave."
"His beard was longer than that forty-inch lacefront I wore to the club that one time." Melania added. "I got pics, i'ma send."
"Dang.." Ashanti laughed.

"Let's get the drinks." Afonso said as he grab the glasses and José fetched the liquor.
"Yes please.. It's been so long." Enrique sighed.

   Glasses were filled and held in the air, "Cheers to our happy reunion." Ronella gave the toast and they all cheered to this and sipped their drinks.
"Now, I want everyone to say  what they achieved over these five years."
"I'll go first," said Ashanti, "I'm still working at that crappy old hospital, yes, and I do open heart surgery and Physical therapy. Also I'm in my first trimester" She made fancy gestures to her stomach.
"I work at a children's hospital as a pediatrician and José and I are actually engaged." She flung her hand with her ring up.
"Well I'm working for a private hospital, still a nurse. But I bought myself a lovely house, a nice car and I'm extremely grateful.." Melania said.
"Okay my turn, well— our turn since it's a joint thing.." José said gesuring to Afonso and himself.
"We own a bikeshop"
"Might not be much, but it puts food on the table.." Afonso added.
"And.. Enrique, bro.. We know how good you are with accounting so we need you working with us."
"Yeah we been busting our asses at it for two an a half years, bro."
"Alright, I will. Thank you."
"We didn't name it JAE's Bike Shop for no reason."

"Now.. for the main event.." Melania brought out a bag. "There's ballons inside and we each get one."
"For what?"
"You'll see."
"On the ballon you have, you'll write what you plan on saying goidbye to, something you no longer want to be associated with. We'll say it out loud and release the baloons in the air, saying goodbye to our old selves."

    Everyone got a marker and wrote on their balloon. "Okay, ready? I'll go first then.. Goodbye to Insecurity."

"Goodbye to unresolved  anger." Ronella said.

'Goodbye to being silent' Melania said.

'Goodbye to holding in the pain.' Jose said.

'Goodbye to oblivion' Afonso  said.

'Goodbye to living in the shadows' Enrique wrote.

"You guys ready?" Melania asked.
"3.. 2.. 1!!"
They all released the balloons into the air.


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