{21}The Good, The Bad, & The Exposed

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¿Chapter 21?
The Good, The Bad, & The Exposed

5:40pm November 21st, 2014

    Ronella was looking herself in the mirror, brushing her 4C hair into a high bun and slicking her edges. She glossed her lips and put her silver necklace around her neck.
She smiled at herself as she got up to reach her phone on the bed, checking the time.

    She exhaled, trying to calm herself of the excitement. She hasn't dated since she came to America, she hooked herself on those books like a junkie was hooked on that stuff.
She thought now she could live, and did what she never got to do in her teenaged years; drink, party, have sex, fall in love– but still be wise about it.

   Her phone went off, she answered it, hearing the AAVE of the afro-lantino that begged her for this date. He was sweet. Childish, but sweet.
"Hey baby, I'm outchea waiting for you."
"Yes man, I coming."
"What'chu wearing?"
"Yuh guh have to wait and see." She replied, "I'll be right down." She sang as she hung up the phone.

  José waited outside of her apartment building, leaning on his car as his anxiety raised at the thought of seeing her. He gave women a break after his grandmother fell sick, the ironic part was that she was always warning him to find the right girl and settle down, she wanted to leave this world knowing that he was in the hands of a good woman.

    His gaze shifted from the floor as he heard foot steps approaching him. He raised his hand to his chin to keep it from dropping to the floor. Ronella strutted towards him, wearing an off the shoulder honey brown, tight-fitted dress and gold strap heels.
"Um, my face is up here." She said with sass as she placed her hands on her hips.

   "Sorry, brown suits you. It compliments your own." He said as he leaned himself off the car.
"Thank you."  She smiled, showing the dimple at the sides of her lips.
"After you," He opened the door for her.
"I wonder is where you pick up manners from." She chuckled as she sat in the front seat. He gently closed the door and got into his seat.
"Where to?" She asked.
"A surprise."
"You like Lil Wayne?"
"Yes.. I like Nicki, too."


7:15, that same night..

   Today felt off. Enrique was coming home later than usual so she was alone at home quite a lot. So much that she began to feel unsafe.
She watched the news as she held the phone in her hands, checking the time as often as she can.

*Knock, knock, knock!*

She dropped her phone as the sudden knocking on her door nearly made her soul jump out of her chest, she exhaled as she got up to go answer the door.

But Enrique doesn't use the door, so who could it be?

A new neighbor, perhaps?

The landlord?

Or even..

The police?

  Melania swallowed the lump in her throat as she gripped the knob, squinting her eye to look through the peephole. Her eyes met with green ones that were sheilded with strands of pinkish hair.

Georgia? Why is she here?

"Come on, girl? I know you're in there!" She said from the other side of the door.
Melania opened the door, "Hey, Gigi.. You were off today, right?"
"Yeah, just thought I could pass by and see how you're going." She welcomed herself in.
"How thoughtful of you, I was just watching the news." She closed the door and followed Georgia.
"Want anything? Soda? Beer?" Melania offered.
"Nah, I'll be gone soon anyway." She slumped on the couch.

"You look nervous, Melania. Is something wrong?" She asked, did Melania's unease show so much that Georgia could see it?
"What– no.." She laughed it off.
"Or are you afraid I'll find out that you're hiding a criminal in your apartment?"
Melania's heart fell to the depths of her stomach, numerous questions were running through her head at that moment.

How did she know?

Did she see him at the parking lot?

Did she see him when they brought her home from the party?

"My God, it's written all over your face." The strawberry blonde shook her head in disappointment. "You put yourself in a lot of danger mingling with that boy..." She got up from the couch.

"He's not who you think he is.."
"Harbouring a criminal can put you in serious trouble, you know?"
"So are you gonna report me?"
"I wouldn't if.. You tell me where he is."
"I don't know where he is."
The strawberry blonde clicked her tongue repeatedly, frowning with dissatisfaction. "Oh, sweetie.. I'm so sorry."
Melania was confused by her statement. She was grabbed from behind, her arms and neck being held back. Before she could even put up a fight, a cloth was placed over her nose and mouth. Every time she breathed she could feel her consciousness slipping away as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

The last thing she saw was Georgia– Or should we say Melinda fold her arms while shaking her head.

👀shit's about to get reallll

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