{3}My Girl

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¿Chapter 3?
My Girl

   Enrique walked out the apartment and slammed the door. He clicked his tongue while shaking his head thinking about how foolish Melania was.
He walked into Starbucks, even though the sign said they were closed. The same black girl was at the counter.
When she saw him she fixed her hair, unbuttoned a few buttons to let her probably fake cupcakes show with a tattoo of a heart on the left one.

"Hey," He smiled at her as he leaned on the counter.
"I never got to thank you for doing me a favour." He said.
"No need to thank me, baby." She said, biting her lip and leaning closer to him, her boobs resting on the counter.

"Oh, really?" He asked, looking at them before looking at her.
"But I guess I should thank you."
"Follow me." She said, walking somewhere to the back. He followed her without question, knowing that he's gonna score.


   It was nice, but strange part was that he kept seeing Melania in his head. The way she breathed when he entered the room, the scared look on her pretty dark face, he saw it all. To to avoid all that, he had to stop laying pipe. For the time being.
He was walking through a musty garbage-filled alleyway and stopped at a rusty iron door.
He knocked it, the peephole slid open and then it closed.
The door opened, "Aye, my boy Enrique! Come on in bro!"

   He went inside, seeing faces if some friends he knew back at the prison cell.
"Sup man?"
"How you get out, G?" One of them shouted over the Latino pop music that blared through the speakers.
"Same old trick in the book." He sat down after picking up a bottle of Tequila.
"Where you take refuge at?"
"Girl I know." Enrique replied, pouring some on the rocks.
"She your girl?"
"Somethin' like that."
"Now that you out, you know Cain looking for you?"

"I'll wait till he finds me."
"Can you trust her?"
"The girl, can you trust her?"
"Of course I can, If I didn't, would I be staying with her?"
"Just checking because, after, you know, with your bro and all.."
"It's fine, she's not like him."


   Melania was over with work and was walking through the underground parking lot, looking for her car. A simple blue Nissan, nothing fancy.
She found it where she parked it and unlocked it as she pressed the button.
She heard a whistle, not just any whistle, the whistle men make when they see a fine woman.
"Hey, fine-looking thing." A voice behind her said, she turned around. Three men in white encircled her.

   Enrique was just about to go home when he passed by Melania's workplace, then had the sudden urge to pull out his phone and check her location. She wasn't far from where she was, and from what he saw on his phone, she wasn't alone.
"It's pretty late, don't you think?" The man asked, stepping closer.
"Indeed it is, now if you'll excuse me," She turned around to open her car door when he grabbed her by the wrist.

"I'm gonna enjoy you," He said pulling her closer to him, tapping her round backside while doing so.
"Get off me!" She shoved him, he stumbled a few steps back.
"Looks like I can't hold you down on my own. Fellas."

The other two approached her with nasty looks on their faces.
"Don't come any closer! Someone! Help!"
"Ain't nobody who can save you." One of them said, grabbing a hold of her wrist.
"Let go of me!" She cried.

    The sound of shots firing made them cease, at the entrance was Enrique holding a handgun that was smoking.
"Let the girl go, and nobody gets a cap busted in their asses."
"And who are you to make me?" The ring leader said, facing Enrique.
He shot one of his men in the shoulder, and Melania screamed. "Got an idea who I am now? Or should I shoot you next? So get the f*ck away from my girl!" He said.

They bounced and Enrique went over to to Melania. He took the keys from her hands.
"Sit in the back, I'll drive."
"O- okay.." She stuttered and did as he said.
 He didn't even but on the seat belt, thugs don't do that to begin with. He drove out the parking lot, and headed down the street.

He was pissed, seeing people holding onto Melania like that. He wanted to more than just shoot them, but Melania would've witnessed the murder. 
"Hey, from now on I'll pick you up from work. Got that?" He turned around to look at her, she was out cold. She probably blacked out from shock.

   He fetched her over his shoulder, and walking up the stairs to her apartment window. He set her on the bed and tossed the blankets over her.
He sat on the couch and drank beer when he realized, the men were wearing white.
And only one gang is known for wearing white.

Cain's men.

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