{5}Welcome Home

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¿Chapter 5?
Welcome Home

9:35pm September 21st, 2014

   Melania sat on the couch, nervously fiddling with her fingers. His friends were coming over today, and she still can't believe that all of this is happening.
She still can't even believe she did the smoochies a criminal!
He's out for now, but he'll come back with his 'boys'.

The sound of the window creaking open alerted her that he's back. 
'Remember what you have to do; kiss him, sweet talk and make it look convincing.' She reminded herself.

"Babe, you home?" She heard him say.
She folded her arms, side eye-ing him as she pouted. "I thought you said you'd be home by seven."

He smirked as he glanced her up and down, "I got my things to do. You mad at me?" He embraced her from behind as he kissed her cheek.
"Well.. Maybe a little bit." She said as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Am I forgiven?"

"You're gonna have to make it up to me later." She grabbed him by his collar, making his lips meet with hers. He grabbed her by the waistline and kissed her back.
"Oooooh" She heard some people cooed.
She gasped and pushed herself off him.

"Aye! My boy got jungle fever!" José, his afro-latino friend said.

"She got a friend?" The other pulled down his shades, scanning her from head to toe. His name was Afonso, he speaks Portuguese and is from Brazil.

    She chuckled, "I'll be in my room. Dinner's in the oven." She pecked his lips.
"You sure it's not standing in front of me?" He asked.
Melania rolled her eyes, walking off and leaving Enrique with his friends.
"That's one fine lil thing you got." José said as soon as she left.
"Better watch your mouth, that's my girl you talking 'bout."

"So, what she do?" Afonso asked.
"Nurse. Fresh outta nursing school."
"How long y'all been?"
"Since highschool."
"Oh, so she know 'bout yo' bro?"
"No. Don't want her to. Ion want him anywhere near her."

   His friends were up and gone by 10. Melania was just about to go night-night when Enrique appeared at her door.
She jumped, covering her mouth stifle the scream in her throat.

"You still scared of me?" He asked.

"Well of course, you're a criminal." She pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them slightly.
"I ain't all that bad. You just gotta do as I say, we'll be cool."
"Sure thing.."
"Your bedroom is your personal space, you got that?"


"Heard about your bro? He broke out of prison. 'Bout a week ago."
"Really? That's nice. But when I come outta this shit hole, it'd be one hell of a motherf*ckin' reunion."


✍Author's Note✍

Okay guys, the time and date means a lot to the plot. I know many of you may not be able to keep up so every 5 chapters I will make a timeline showing the plot progression. I hope this helps.

🕛Time Progression Check🕡

3:45pm February 16th, 2015- Melania visits Enrique in the prision facility where he tells her not to visit him again.

10:45pm September 10th, 2014- Enrique breaks out of prision after finding out Melania's personal information

7:00am-8:00pm September 13th, 2014- Melania begins her job as a nurse. She buys Mr J. a cup of coffee (the coffee Enrique bribed the starbucks girl to put sleeping pills in). With Mr J. Asleep, Enrique broke into her apartment.

7:00am September 14th, 2014- Melania gets scolded by Enrique for being to naïve and kind, also explaining how he managed to break in. He left the Apartment to meet a couple of his friends. On her way to her car, she was approached by three men who had intentions of befiling her when Enrique saved her, claiming her his.

10:00pm September 15th, 2014- The men Enrique let get away reported back to Cain.

5:00pm September 20th, 2014- Enrique explains the predicaments that will follow prior to the incident in the driveway. Claiming her his, they have to pretend that they're a couple. Just so his friends could believe.

9:35pm September 21st, 2014- Melania was introduced to his friends and played a small improvised skit to make their relationship believable.

Unknown time- anonymus people talking.

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