My Only Focus

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A/N. 👆This song goes with the chapter.

Alaia's POV

"You are doing it wrong" i mumble.

"Nick? You are doing......... "

"Stop with the commentary, I heard you the first time, i know what i am doing. Trust the process." he cuts me off as he concentrates.

Ahhhhhhhhh, i sigh audibly, and do the biggest eye roll i can manage. 

This is the most stubborn man in the world

He is trying to cook us lunch, well, not really lunch anymore, because we are now closer to dinner time. We survived on fruits and liquids since last night, but now we both need a proper meal. If i don't eat soon, i am going to collapse.

But the man can't cook, yet he won't admit it, he should have just picked something simple, but no, it had to be the food he saw on a commercial when we were watching tv earlier, but even i can tell he is doing it wrong.

"Where are you going, we are not done yet" he looks up at me when i start to exit the kitchen.

"Somewhere i can go and die in peace, because i am starving and you are wasting time playing master chef."

"Relax, i am almost done" he says confidently.

"Relax? Nick my knees are so weak, they are literally shaking and...."

"Ok, in all fairness, your knees have been shaking since yesterday, and it's nothing to do with being hungry, but point taken, i am almost done" he grins.

Is he making jokes? 

He thinks this is funny! 

I leave the room before i commit murder, and flop myself on a sofa.

"Just five more minutes babe" Nick shouts from the kitchen. 

I usually don't have a problem skipping meals, but Nick and i rarely left the bedroom since last night and so i am completely exhausted from all the lovemaking. Not only are my knees weak from hunger, but to my surprise, my thigh muscles hurt too when i woke up today, i feel sore between my legs and i am generally tired, and all so hungry....but despite that, i have a smile on my face just thinking about our intimacy, and i want to do it again and again.

I close my eyes and try to busy my mind while i wait for the 'five' minutes to elapse.


Alaia's POV

I stand in the foyer of Nick's office floor overlooking the lower floor ,as i wait for him. 

We are supposed to be going home, but he was called to attend to something important at the last minute.


I turn around at the sound of my name to find two women approaching me. The one who must have called my name smiles and steps forward.

"So it's true.. You really can see now" she says.

"Hello, i am sorry, your voice is kind of familiar but I can't remember exactly who you are" i say.

She smiles again and extends her hand. 



This is Rhea? ok, she is exactly what i expected her to be.

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