Certain That Am Yours

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Alaia's POV

Hours later, i lay awake in bed. I am still having trouble sleeping. I feel tired, but i can't seem to fall sleep, i am anxious and my fears won't leave me.

I wonder why Nick hasn't come to bed yet, or maybe he is sleeping in the other room after all.

I have been thinking about what Marco told me about him earlier and i can't help but admire him a little for it now, it definitely makes me see him in a different light. Everything he has done and achieved is worthy of respect. I can't imagine the pressure he must have been under, and i wish i could have known him then and been there for him somehow.

Well that's a stupid thought!

Sighing, i decide to go out to the balcony.

The weather is cool, it's about to be rainy season soon, my favorite time of the year. The smell of rain somewhere close is evident in the air. The sky is abit cloudy but the moon is shining bright. I lean over the rails and just admire the beautiful estate grounds.

"Can't sleep?"

I turn around to see Nick standing by the door, leaning against the frame. He is not in his previous outfit, but is instead now sporting dark colored sweatpants and no shirt. No shirt?

His hair is wet like he just got out of a shower.

I quickly turn around before i am accused of staring again.

With this little clothes on, his frame looks even bigger than i imagined. I look small in comparison in his presence, and I feel very unnerved.

I had waited anxiously for him to come to bed, and got disappointed when he didn't, but now that he is here, i am super nervous.



"I have insomnia, i think." i say, briefly turning to look at him.

It's silent for a while, and i wonder if he is still there.

I turn around and find him staring up at the sky, but he lowers his gaze to mine when i look at him.

He lowers his gaze further, suddenly making me aware of my own outfit, his tshirt. Long enough to hide my shorts, and making it seem as if i am not wearing anything underneath it.

"I was looking for something to wear to bed earlier and i found your closet first, and well, there were so many of them, i didn't think you would mind. I can take it off if it's a problem" i mumble nervously.

I had the shorts in my carry-on bag which i put there last minute because i almost forgot them on the bed in Russia.

"What's mine is yours love, you can wear whatever you want from my closet. Although i wouldn't mind watching you take it off." say murmurs, as he looks me up and down very slowly.

I huff and turn around again, too aware of his presence. I want to go back inside now, but he is standing by the door.

"It's quite cold out here. You should get back inside." He says, as if reading my mind.

"I am not tired yet" i respond.

"I can do something about that" say says lowly, and the way he says it makes me turn around again, to see if he means what i think he means.

Yeah, that's exactly what he means and I blush. Hopefully, its to dark for him to notice.

"Or not. C'mon, relax, i am not going to do anything to you that you don't want me to do" he says softly.

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