Chapter 9 - Agreements and Compromises

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Alaia's POV

The room falls silent.

"Ally, let's talk" My dad grabs my hand a little too roughly, and practically drags me to the kitchen.

"What do you think you are doing? Do you have any idea who you are dealing with here.. Do you know what that man is capable off? You, you call that a deal, you are basically selling yourself to a man for money, that's not hoe we raised you, what do you think you are doing here..... And how the hell do you keep meeting this man behind my back?" he rumbles.

He is basically shouting loud enough for everyone in the living room to hear.

We could have just stayed there then instead if coming here.

"I will not accept this, i can't have you paying for my mistakes, this is not your responsibility....... and from now on, i don't want you meeting this man, i don't even want to even hear you say his name. i would rather go to jail " He basically seethes in anger.

I feel hurt by his words, but  i throw that to the back of my mind for now. I will try to reason with him.

"Ok, so say you go to jail, how are we going to manage here without you. The diner is not making much profit anymore, Mums bills from the hospital are still coming, how are we going to pay for them? And what about Sienna and Zara, what's going happen to their college tuition? " I ask calmly.

"That is not your responsibility, or any of your concern, you are my daughter and........." he retorts.

"Stop treating me like a child. As crazy as it seems, i am very aware of what i am doing and i know what i am getting myself into"

"You know nothing..."

"Why, because i can't see?" i ask. It's a low blow, but i need him to take me seriously.

"If this was Sienna doing this, would you have the same level of objection as you do now"

"Ofcourse and you know it.....either way, Your situation is different. like it or not, it is what what it Alaia" he says, using my full name.

"You know me dad, i am not impulsive, i do every thing the same every day, th eway you want me too....if it were up to you, i would spend the rest of my life cooped up in my room upstairs, because you are afraid to let me go an inch out o your sight... "

"That's not true" he whispers.

"..and i get love me, you want to protect me, because the world out there is not easy for people like me.......but am twenty fours years old whole life is in this it or not, we are struggling, i know you said, it is what it is.......but i want to help, i can help......whatever happens with this deal, i know that will be satisfied going forward because i did something for once in my's just this one thing, this small bend in the road that i am asking you to bare with me......if you take that away from me, i don't know if i will be able to forgive you." i say, surprised at the amount of emotion that just poured out of me.

"Honey.....We will figure it out" Dad says lowly.

"I have really thought about this Dad, and the more i think, the more i am convinced that i want do this, and i am not really asking for your permission. Am an adult, i understand what am getting myself into. Please just support me." I murmur softly.

" Honey....." My father tries again, but this time he is interrupted by Nicholas as he joins us in the room

" I don't mean to interrupt, but i really don't have all evening, is our agreement still on or what? Mr. Crowe, if it makes you feel any better, i can assure you that your daughter will be safe with me during the time she will be in my care" he says.

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