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Alaia's POV

As i expected, the following day we are headed to the hospital. I knew Nick would want a confirmation about my pregnancy from the hospital he trusts. 

"Stop frowning, nothing wrong with a second opinion" He says as we sit in the backseat of the car on our way there.

"Well, am sick of being at the hospital every now and then, i don't want to be there when it's not necesary. 

Nick sighs and rubs my arm "It's necesary. I just want Christian to be on top of things ok, he is the best, besides, we want to make sure you are ok to travel"

"Am fine, just say you don't trust the hospital i went to"

"Don't put words in my mouth, thats not what am saying, i just..... " he hesitates.

"You just what?" i push.

"I just.... You know what? stop. Why are you picking fights with me today"

"I am not"

"Yes you are, this is the third time already, and its still just morning."

"Well, you're are bossy and overbearing, thats why. You expect everyone to do whatever you want, whenever you want, without question, as if you are the only one with all the knowledge"

"Well, i usually am" he smirks and my mouth drops.

"Oh wait, did i forget to add arrogant to the list"

"You are one to talk, miss sassy and stubborn. Oh, wait, did i forget to add 'i don't need anyone to takecare of me, i can do this by myself'" He claps back.

"Well thats because i can"

"Now look who's being arrogant"

"I learned from the best" i grin at him.

"You are lucky i like you, no one talks to me like that and gets away with it!" he says trying to keep a straight face.

"You LIKE me? Is that all you feel for me?" i taunt, this time flattering my lashes at him. The small smirk that was on his face widens into a full smile as he studies my face, then he looks away at the window.

"Ally. Baby girl, are you sure you are ready for this conversation with me? You want to talk about our feelings?" he asks, turning to look at me again, smile gone and eyebrow raised.

In response i grab my phone and headphones to watch my tutorials on spellings and stuff, but before putting them in my ear, i hear him say.

"I thought so" i can hear the smile in his voice.

Aarrgg. Everytime our conversations get deep and Nick starts to talk about how he feels, i kind of divert the topic to something else, or try to distract him somehow and now i know he has caught on to my strategy.

It's just that am afraid, once we start talking, i won't be able to hold back revealing my own feelings and i wanted to wait just a little longer, but this whole idea i had about writing a love note and listing all the things i love about him is starting to seem more and more lame as time goes by. I'll probably just embarrass myself. I should just forget the whole thing and think of something else.

It just that it felt like a good idea when i thought about it at first, but now am stuck. What gift do you buy a guy these days? The last time i dated seriously was Jude, and we were teenagers. Nick has everything in abundance. I just wanted it to be something different from what he has gotten before.

But with this trip coming up, am sure emotions will run wild. So what ever happens, will happen, i'll just find something else to get him later, probably with his money too, because am sure Lola will suggest something expensive.

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